Crude, Gas, Energy Cycle Low

Crude, Gas, Energy Cycle Low;
Jan. 2015 = Potential Bottom

01/03/15 INSIIDE Track: “Crude Oil, Unleaded Gas & Heating Oil have sold off sharply – validating the ~3-year cycle high projecting a mid-2014 peak (~105.00/CL).  Look for the next one in mid-2017.  In the interim, Crude has fulfilled 2Q 2014 analysis for a drop into 4Q 2014… but has not signaled a bottom.  Unleaded Gas has a ~3-year Cycle Progression that projects an important bottom in this time frame – potentially stretching into January 2015.” 

2015 = 40 years from when OPEC agreed to price oil in Dollars (1975)… New phase of Dollar/Oil relationship expected… AND 40-Year Cycle of War & Peace.  See INSIIDE Track Reports for specific details & cycles.

Jan. 2015 = 40–41 Week Cycle Progression

2015 = 40-Year Cycle