Grain Cycles Coincide with Solar Cycles; Project Increasing Volatility into 2021/2022!

02/27/19 INSIIDE Track: Outlook 2019 – The ~11-Year Cycle

 02-27-19 – The Sun has at least three intriguing cycles that repeatedly emerge in the markets, in geopolitics, in military conflict, and in most aspects of life.  The biggest (of these three, although there are also longer-term cycles as well) is the ~40-Year Cycle of the Great Conveyor Belt of the Sun.

To summarize it, this is the plasma flow that circumvents the Sun, moving from its equator out toward one of the poles and then – after sinking lower – back toward its equator.  It takes approximately 40 years for that to transpire… and then it occurs toward the opposite pole and back.

So, a total circuit would take roughly 80 years (perfectly coinciding with the 80-Year Cycle of War that comes back into play in 2021, linked to the US entry into WWII in 1941, into the Civil War in 1861 and out of the Revolutionary War in 1781.  In the colonies, England and Europe, that has been documented for a few hundred years before 1781.).

If I understand the process correctly, the initial phase – flowing from equator to pole – goes along the surface of the Sun and ‘sweeps’ up decaying sunspots and their related magnetivity and then drops them off at the poles.

As a result, it greatly impacts the magnetic force of the Sun… which impacts subsequent sunspots and the magnetic barrages periodically flung at Earth (CMEs)… which could have an exponentially greater impact as Earth converts to a digital world.

As a result, it would stand to reason that the fluctuations of the Great Conveyor Belt of the Sun dramatically influence the other two primary cycles in this discussion.

To and Away

The second solar-related cycle is the 17-Year Cycle that impacts some form of magnetic interplay between the Sun and Earth (the ‘to and away’ interaction as described by David Junkett at  This has also been repeatedly discussed over the past two decades.  It has its strongest impact at the 34-year point (two full cycles), when it coincides with three of the following solar-related cycles…

Cause and Effect

Perhaps the best-known solar cycle is the one that governs the ebb and flow of sunspots or solar storms.  It is an ~11-Year Cycle (averages out to 11.2 years) that has an uncanny knack for also linking monetary and military events of cause and effect.  Perhaps a better way of describing that would be the Cycle of Unintended Consequence.

Events during one phase of this cycle often have a distinct and irrefutable link to events during the next phase.  In many cases, those phases also link similar players or similar events. (I have often documented an overlapping 11- Year Cycle that… recurs in 2021/2022.)

As time has unfolded, it has become clear that the Western financial and economic collapse of 2008/ 2009 drove countries like China & Russia into closer cooperation with one another, as an alternative to the US & Europe (see previous discussions on multiple unions spearheaded by China & Russia).  This cycle comes back into play in 2019 – 2020 and is likely to perpetuate/foster that alignment…

Soybeans, Corn & Wheat turned back down in early-Feb., generating a sequence of signals that could/should produce an overall drop into March 8 – 15, the next phase of a ~24-week high-high-low-(low) Cycle Progression in Soybeans.  Soybeans would not signal that a 3 – 6 month (or longer) rally is underway until a weekly close above 950.0/SK.

Wheat triggered a new 1 – 2 week sell signal on Feb. 7 and then validated it by turning its intra-year trend down on Feb. 15, projecting a new leg down while negating indicators that were signaling a low.  It has since plunged and could extend selling into March.  It is still expected to set its next 3 – 6 month (or longer) peak for late-Aug./early-Sept. ‘19 but the preceding low is not yet intact.”

Grains are validating analysis for major lows in 3Q 2018 – the convergence of multi-year cycles including 1, 2 & 4-Year Cycles in Corn.  Could this be the first phase of Food Crisis Cycles forecast for 2019 – 2020?  And could that coincide with the peaking of Drought Cycles in 2021?  (See discussions in 2015 – 2017 regarding the culmination of Drought and Agricultural Cycles in 2016 – 2021, projected to give way to dramatic changes in 2022 – 2024… and beyond.)

~11-Year~40-Year & ~80-Year Cycles all converge in 2021/2022 and pinpoint the expected transition from one cycle to the next, including projections for a shift from Drought Cycles into Deluge Cycles and the shift of major 40 & 80-Year Cycles of Agriculture (particularly in the US).  That is also when Corn cycles project a significant peak (2022) in sync with its uncanny ~2-Year Cycle… and the time when a corroborating 3-year low (July 2007) – low (Jun 2010) – high (July 2013) – high (June 2016) – high (May/Jun 2019) – high (May/June 2022Cycle Progression projects a 1 – 2 year peak in Corn – that would be reinforced by an intervening 6 – 12 month peak in May/June 2019.

Refer to latest Weekly Re-Lay & INSIIDE Track publications for additional details and/or related trading strategies.