Oil Markets Reinforce Potential for New Surge.

Oil Markets Reinforce Potential for New Surge. 04/11/18 Weekly Re-Lay Alert: “Crude Oil, Unleaded Gas & Heating Oil remain positive and are surging to new highs in line with weekly trend patterns and the overall 3 – 6 month outlook.  They have rallied since spiking down to begin the month of April, but never turning their intra-month trends down. At […]

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Stocks ‘Sizeable Rally’ Could Extend into April 17.

Stocks ‘Sizeable Rally’ Could Extend into April 17. 04/10/18 INSIIDE Track Intra-month Update:  Stock Indices have not yet been able to confirm their latest reversals (lower) that took place last week.  That delay is strengthening the scenario for the (potential) weekly trend signals… On a weekly basis, the indexes reversed lower (last week) but did not provide a confirming reversal […]

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Silver Set for Sharp Surge

Silver Set for Sharp Surge. 04/07/18 Weekly Re-Lay: “Gold & Silver fulfilled cycle lows on April 5 – 9 and could now resume their uptrends… There is one constructive thing that Silver has in common with Gold: it never turned its weekly trend down, despite correcting since late-Jan. As long as Silver does not give a weekly close below 16.21/SIK, […]

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Gold Reinforcing April 5 or 6 Cycle Low

Gold Reinforcing April 5 or 6 Cycle Low. 04/05/18 INSIIDE Track Intra-month Update: “Gold & Silver have remained above their early-March lows but continue to vacillate in a narrowing trading range.  They began the week by spiking up to the convergence of weekly & monthly resistance levels and reversed lower, reinforcing 1 – 2 week weakness.  They have since sold […]

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Stocks Project ‘Sizeable Rally’!

Stocks Project ‘Sizeable Rally’! 04/05/18 INSIIDE Track Intra-month Update:  Stock Indices are fulfilling expectations for a sizeable rally, as discussed in the April 2 + 3 Updates.  They completed their latest sell-offs, bottoming on April 2 – while fulfilling a 32-day high (Jan. 26) – high (Feb. 27) – low (Mar. 31; the next trading day was April 2) Cycle […]

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Oil Markets Preparing for New Surge.

Oil Markets Preparing for New Surge. 04/04/18 Weekly Re-Lay Alert: “Crude Oil, Unleaded Gas & Heating Oil spiked down to begin the month of April, with all three neutralizing their daily uptrends (but not yet turning them down).  The products spiked right to their weekly HLS levels with Unleaded Gas also testing monthly support as they created a 27-day low […]

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Stocks Test & Hold Support; Rebound Likely.

Stocks Test & Hold Support; Rebound Likely. 04/02/18 INSIIDE Track Stock Index Update:  Stock Indices confirmed the likelihood for another leg down (with the potential to accelerate into a spike low).  After completing a normal 3 – 5 day rebound in 1 – 2 days (with the March 27 high), the indices remained in daily downtrends and reinforced their (previous) […]

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