Gold & Silver Bottoming

Gold & Silver Bottoming; Preparing for New Wave Up… Rally into May 2018 Likely. 03/10/18 Weekly Re-Lay: “Gold & Silver have remained above their early-March lows, set while Gold was precisely fulfilling the ideal target for a ‘c’ wave decline (a-b-c correction since Jan. 25) with its spike down to 1300 – 1305.0/GCJ. From a price perspective, that low fulfilled […]

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Stocks Poised to Peak…

Stocks Poised to Peak… Bounce into March 9/12 Fulfilled; New Decline Projected After March 12. 03/10/18 Weekly Re-Lay:  Stock Indices are rallying back to recent (late-Feb.) highs, in fulfillment of their daily trend patterns.  The Nasdaq 100 is spiking to new highs, fulfilling its weekly trend pattern… Stock Indices are fulfilling their daily & weekly trend patterns following their initial […]

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Crude Targeting New Highs

Crude Targeting New Highs; Daily & Weekly Trends Agree. Rally into March 23 – 28 Likely. 03/07/18 Weekly Re-Lay Alert: “Crude Oil, Unleaded Gas & Heating Oil corrected sharply after turning their daily trends up.  All three neutralized their daily uptrends multiple times… If a new rally does take hold (now), it could carry the energy markets higher into March […]

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Crude Reinforcing Likely Retest of High

Crude Reinforcing Likely Retest of High; Daily Trend Pattern Concurs. Rally into Late-March Expected. 03/03/18 Weekly Re-Lay: “Crude Oil, Unleaded Gas & Heating Oil corrected sharply after turning their daily trends up.  Those daily trend patterns, combined with descending daily 21 MACs, were expected to pressure prices throughout the past week. That has taken hold and provided two corroborating clues […]

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Gold & Silver Fulfill Downside

Gold & Silver Fulfill Downside; Gold Prepares for New Wave Up… 1300 – 1305/GCJ = Crucial Support. 03/03/18 Weekly Re-Lay: “Gold & Silver remain under pressure but both fulfilled their daily trend patterns by retesting the Feb. 9 lows.  The weekly trends remain neutral, leaving open the potential for a multi-month low to take hold in early-March. Silver remains in […]

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Stocks Poised to Bounce…

Stocks Poised to Bounce… March 2 Low Projects Quick Rally; DJIA 40-Day Cycle in Focus. 03/03/18 Weekly Re-Lay:  Stock Indices remain above the lows set on Feb. 9 while fulfilling 2 – 3 week sell signals and the weekly trend patterns.  At the same time, the DJTA fulfilled downside objectives and perpetuated a ~12-week high-low-low-(low) Cycle Progression (that projects a […]

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Stocks Completing Rebounds…

Stocks Completing Rebounds… Quick Drop into early-March Likely; Larger Decline Should Follow. 02/28/18 Weekly Re-Lay Alert:  Market cycles continue to focus on next week… equity markets have reinforced the focus – triggering initial 2 – 3 week sell signals in mid-to-late-Jan. and more recently undergoing a ‘b’ wave bounce. A late-Feb. peak would mimic the late-Jan. action and set the […]

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Crude Projecting Retest of High

Crude Projecting Retest of High. Weekly Trend Pattern Remains Positive. Late-March Cycle High = Next Peak. 02/28/18 Weekly Re-Lay Alert: “Crude Oil, Unleaded Gas & Heating Oil have pulled back after turning their daily trends up.  That is a normal correction but the action of the coming days needs to clarify if another advance is likely to follow this pullback… […]

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