Gold & Silver Fulfill Mid-Dec. Cycle Low

Gold & Silver Fulfill Mid-Dec. Cycle Low; Surge into Feb. 2018 Projected! XAU (Gold Stocks) Lead Reversal Higher.   12/16/17 Weekly Re-Lay: “Gold & Silver have initially bottomed after dropping into the first half of Dec. – the same time that Gold bottomed in 2015 & 2016.   A low by/in mid-Dec. would perpetuate an annual/360-degree cycle and be in sync […]

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Gold Stocks (XAU) Buy Signal Validated

Gold Stocks (XAU) Buy Signal Validated; Quick (Initial) Surge Underway… Gold & Silver = Positive on 1 – 2 Year Basis!   12/14/17 Weekly Re-Lay Alert – Transition Year Culminating – XAU Shift?:   “In the Feb. 8, 2017 Weekly Re-Lay Alert (Gold Stocks Reinforcing Cycle High), a detailed examination of the XAU (and HUI) was provided.  Most notably, the […]

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Dollar Cycles Reinforcing Oil Outlook…

Dollar Cycles Reinforcing Oil Outlook… Gold Also Poised to Turn Bullish. Late-Dec./early-Jan. = Pivotal!   12/13/17 Weekly Re-Lay Alert – Transition Year Culminating:   “In January 2017, INSIIDE Track reiterated the big picture scenario that had 2017 expected to be a major transition year.  In many respects, that has proven to be the case.  In doing so, it corroborates the […]

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XAU Surging After Diverging (from HUI)

XAU Surging After Diverging (from HUI); Expected 1 – 2 Week Rally Underway… Gold & Silver Corroborate; Bottom Forming!   12/13/17 Weekly Re-Lay Alert – Transition Year Culminating:   “In January 2017, INSIIDE Track reiterated the big picture scenario that had 2017 expected to be a major transition year.  In many respects, that has proven to be the case.  In […]

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XAU Diverging from HUI (Gold Bugs Index)

XAU Diverging from HUI (Gold Bugs Index); Corroborating Weekly HLS Test & Imminent Low… New Surge Poised to Take Hold.   12/12/17 INSIIDE Track Intra-month Update:   “Gold & Silver have continued to decline after rebounding into Nov. 17 & setting intermediate highs while perpetuating a 21-day low-low-(high) Cycle Progression… & delays the onset of an expected new advance.  It […]

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Jerusalem & Middle East Cycles…

Jerusalem & Middle East Cycles… Reinforcing Oil & Gold Outlooks. Late-Dec./early-Jan. = Decisive!   12/06/17 Weekly Re-Lay Alert – Jerusalem & the Validity of Cycles:   “For anyone doubting the validity of cycles, today produced a powerful argument to the contrary.  On the precise 100-Year anniversary of the liberation of Jerusalem (500 years from the Ottoman conquering of Jerusalem) & […]

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Gold & Middle East Cycles Colliding!

Gold & Middle East Cycles Colliding! 4Q ’17 – 3Q 2018 = Pivotal Time… XAU (Gold Stocks) Project Imminent Bottom.   12/06/17 Weekly Re-Lay Alert – Jerusalem & the Validity of Cycles:   “For anyone doubting the validity of cycles, today produced a powerful argument to the contrary.  On the precise 100-Year anniversary of the liberation of Jerusalem (500 years […]

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Gold Stocks Set Stage for Decisive Low!

Gold Stocks Set Stage for Decisive Low! Dec. 4 – 15 = Weekly AND Monthly Cycles… Gold & Silver Following XAU Lower.   12/05/17 INSIIDE Track Intra-month Update:   “Gold & Silver have sold off after rebounding into Nov. 17 & setting intermediate highs while perpetuating a 21-day low-low-(high) Cycle Progression…Last week, Silver fulfilled the potential for a drop to […]

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Silver Confirms Weakness

Silver Confirms Weakness; Gold Projects Add’l Downside… XAU Poised for Spike Lower.   12/02/17 Weekly Re-Lay: “Gold & Silver are diverging after both metals rallied into Nov. 17 & set intermediate highs while perpetuating a 21-day low-low-(high) Cycle Progression. Gold briefly spiked higher on Nov. 27, completing a ~30-degree rally from its Oct. 27 low and testing monthly resistance as […]

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