Gold & Silver Remain Negative

Gold & Silver Remain Negative; Poised for New Drop into mid-Nov. Copper Set for Secondary Low. 10/22/16 Weekly Re-Lay:  “Gold & Silver bounced after fulfilling projections for a sharp drop into early-Oct.  A final decline is expected to take metals lower into Nov… Gold & Silver have rebounded since fulfilling the latest phase of the 3–6 month outlook, which called for another drop (the third […]

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Stocks Reinforce Danger Period #2

Stocks Reinforce Danger Period #2; Weekly Close Could Confirm… Sharp 1–2 Week Drop in Nov.? 10/19/16 Weekly Re-Lay Alert – Stock Indices: Rolling Over – Part II:  “Stock Indices are slowly validating expectations for Danger Period #2 – projected to take hold right after Oct. 7th and to spur an accelerated decline (in multiple phases)… expected to be similar to July/Aug. 2015…. If it is very similar […]

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Stocks Trigger 3-Step Reversal

Stocks Trigger 3-Step Reversal; Sharp Drop Likely in Coming Weeks… Parallel to July/Aug. 2015. 10/15/16 Weekly Re-Lay:  “The majority of Stock Indices provided outside-week/2 Close Reversals lower as they entered Danger Period #2.  In most S+P-related Indices (and an ETF), this created a rare weekly 3-Step Reversal lower that reinforces analysis for an accelerated move lower in the coming weeks.  Traders should have sold Stock Indices near […]

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Gold & Silver Marking Time

Gold & Silver Marking Time; Nov. ’16 Decline Still Expected! Copper Poised to Surge into Nov. ’16. 10/15/16 Weekly Re-Lay:  “Gold & Silver bounced after fulfilling projections for another sharp drop into early-Oct. & to crucial targets.  A final decline is expected to take metals lower into Nov… Gold & Silver fulfilled the latest phase of the 3–6 month outlook, which called for another drop […]

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Stocks Rolling Over to Downside

Stocks Rolling Over to Downside; Expected 4–6 Week Drop Underway… 2017.25–2026.25/ESZ = Target. 10/12/16 Weekly Re-Lay Alert – Stock Indices: Rolling Over:  “Stock Indices – in a growing similarity to May–August 2015 – have experienced a steady progression of successive highs as they show signs of rolling over to the downside.  Each time a subsequent high is set, fewer Indices set new highs while […]

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Stocks Enter Danger Period #2

Stocks Enter Danger Period #2; Sharp Multi-Week Drop Expected… 2017.25–2026.25/ESZ = Objective; 10/08/16 Weekly Re-Lay:  “Stock Indices bounced into daily cycles on Oct. 6/7th… and are poised to head lower as they enter Danger Period #2.  Several Indices remain in daily downtrends after trying to neutralize them for the past 10 days.  That could trigger an accelerated move lower.  Traders should have sold Stock Indices near […]

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Gold & Silver Bounce Likely

Gold & Silver Bounce Likely; New Drop into mid-Nov. Projected. Copper Signaling MAJOR Low! 10/08/16 Weekly Re-Lay:  “Gold & Silver fulfilled projections for another sharp drop into early-Oct. & to key targets.  Traders should have exited remaining longs (from mid-Dec.), w/avg. gains of about $19,000/contract (GC) & ~$18,000/contract (SI).  [TRADING INVOLVES SUBSTANTIAL RISK;  TRADING DISCLAIMER] Gold & Silver have powerfully fulfilled the latest phase of the 3–6 […]

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Gold & Silver Fulfill Latest Drop

Gold & Silver Fulfill Latest Drop; October Rebound Projected… Mid-Nov. ‘16 = Crucial Cycle Low! 10/05/16 Weekly Re-Lay Alert – Gold’s Early-Oct./1260.0 Target Attacked:  “Gold & Silver have powerfully fulfilled the latest phase of the 3–6 month outlook, which called for another drop (the third since early-July) into early-October, when a recurring ~30-degree cycle comes back into play. The previous decline was projected […]

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Stocks Vulnerable into Nov. ‘16

Stocks Vulnerable into Nov. ‘16; New Oct./Nov. Sell-off Expected; Nov. ’16 = Critical Cycle Low. 09/29/16 INSIIDE Track:  “Equity markets – in 2015/2016 – continue to validate expectations for a repeat of (resembling) 2000/2001 & a 15–18 month topping process.  Late-June cycle lows project a subsequent low in Nov. 2016… Stock Indices have congested since fulfilling the upside targets triggered by the late-June low – the latest phase […]

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Wheat Poised for Major, Multi-Year Low

Wheat Poised for Major, Multi-Year Low… Overall Advance – from 3Q ’16 into 2020 – Likely; Soybeans Confirming Mid-’16 Multi-Year Cycle Peak. 09/29/16 INSIIDE Track: Soybeans, Corn & Wheat remain weak after Soybeans surged into mid-2016 and attacked their extreme upside objective for all of 2016… and then quickly reversed lower, validating those upside targets and/or resistance levels.  That surge […]

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