Stocks Poised for Sharp Declines

Stocks Poised for Sharp Declines; Brexit Vote Likely to Exacerbate… Late-June = Danger Period! 06/18/16 Weekly Re-Lay:  “Stock Indices are entering ‘crunch time’ – the time to ‘put up or shut up’, with regard to the potential for another significant, intermediate decline.  In a similar manner to the two previous declines, they have vacillated within range of their peaks for almost two months… […]

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Looming Brexit Vote Shaking Markets

Looming Brexit Vote Shaking Markets; 8-Year Cycle Portends Pound Crisis. Late-June = Equity Danger Period! 06/15/16 Weekly Re-Lay Alert:  Brexit Brouhaha  “As we enter the final week leading into the UK’s vote on Brexit, the markets are reinforcing the uncertainty being felt in Britain, the EU, and around the globe.  Gold is surging (as is Bitcoin) – corroborating the cycles peaking during the middle […]

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Stocks Poised for Drop into late-June

Stocks Poised for Drop into late-June; Next Phase of 2-Month Correction Imminent. 2–3 Week Drop Would Overlap ‘Brexit’ Vote. 06/11/16 Weekly Re-Lay:  “Stock Indices have rebounded since fulfilling intermediate analysis for a drop from April 19th/20th into May 16–20th.  That triggered an ensuing rebound that was expected to peak in early-June.  The Indices are beginning to reverse lower but more confirmation is needed… Stock Indices are slowly validating […]

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Stocks Set Stage for 2–4 Week Top

Stocks Set Stage for 2–4 Week Top; Drop into late-June Remains Likely. Watch June 23rd ‘Brexit’ Vote. 06/08/16 Weekly Re-Lay Alert:  “Stock Indices remain positive on a 2–3 month basis and most have turned back to positive on a 2–4 week basis.  They fulfilled projections for an intermediate decline from April 19th/20th into May 19th/20th and have rebounded since.   On a near-term basis, this rebound has extended beyond […]

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Stock Market Nearing Early-June Peak

Stock Market Nearing Early-June Peak; Drop into late-June Should Follow. July 19/20th = Subsequent Cycle High. 06/04/16 Weekly Re-Lay:  “Stock Indices remain positive on a 2–3 month basis but neutral on a 2–4 week basis.  They fulfilled projections for an intermediate decline from April 19th/20th into May 19th/20th (~90 degrees from the Jan. 20th low) and have rebounded since.  That creates the potential for a subsequent high around July 19th/20th – a […]

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Bonds & Notes Poised for Surge

Bonds & Notes Poised for Surge; Quick Rally into June 3rd Likely… Bad Omen for Employment Report. 06/01/16 Weekly Re-Lay Alert: “Bonds & Notes have consolidated after fulfilling the intermediate outlook for a rally into May 16th.  Both neutralized their daily uptrends multiple times, but would not turn those daily trends down until daily closes below 163-04/USM & 129-10/TYM.  That […]

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Stocks Preparing for New Drop

Stocks Preparing for New Drop; Correction into late-June Expected… …Between Early-June & Mid-July Highs. 06/01/16 Weekly Re-Lay Alert:  “Stock Indices remain positive on a 2–3 month basis but neutral on a 2–4 week basis.  They fulfilled projections for an intermediate decline from April 19th/20th into May 19th/20th and have rebounded since.  A 50% rebound in time (~30 days down/15 days up) would produce a subsequent peak around June 3rd. […]

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Stocks Project Future Troughs

Stocks Project Future Troughs… June & Oct. ’16 Cycle Lows… Would Reinforce June ’17 Cycle. 06/01/16 INSIIDE Track:  “Stock indices – in 2015/2016 – continue to validate expectations for a repeat of (resembling) 2000/2001 with volatile swings in both directions.  A new decline – into Oct. 2016 – is expected… Stock Indices remain positive, having rallied sharply after fulfilling the early-2016 outlook for a sharp decline from mid-Dec. ‘15 into late-Jan./early-Feb. […]

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8-Year Cycle Bodes Trouble for UK

8-Year Cycle Bodes Trouble for UK; Brexit Vote Could Trigger Selling… Pound & FTSE Portend Sharp Drops! 05/31/16 INSIIDE Track:  “Outlook 2016–2017 The 8-Year Cycle…      05-31-16 – One of the most recognized cycles in the stock market is the 8-Year Cycle (and its divisions).  A cursory look at a longer-term chart immediate reveals the 8-year span from 1966 peak to 1974 low to 1982 […]

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2016 Interest Rate Outlook on Track

2016 Interest Rate Outlook on Track; Bonds/Notes Poised for Quick Rally… …to Begin Month of June. 05/31/16 INSIIDE Track: “Bonds & Notes remain positive (in weekly & intra-year uptrends) and still on track for a Major high when larger-degree cycles converge – in xxx xxxx [Refer to June 2016 INSIIDE Track for specific cycles & outlook for Bonds, Notes & […]

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