Cru-Ca-Ble Cycles Portend Trouble

Cru-Ca-Ble Cycles Portend Trouble! Russia (RuBle) Cycles Collide in 2016/2017. Oil Prices Could Wallow Until 3Q 2017.   03/01/16 INSIIDE Track:      “As Russian cycles enter their most volatile period – in 2016/2017 – the dominoes continue to fall.  In many respects, Putin & Co. are experiencing a Perfect Storm of economic hardships – some self-induced and some out […]

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Russia Cycles Collide in 2016/2017

Russia Cycles Collide in 2016/2017. Major Shift Likely in 2017… China/Russia Alliance in 2017? 03/01/16 INSIIDE Track:    “As Russian cycles enter their most volatile period – in 2016/2017 – the dominoes continue to fall.  In many respects, Putin & Co. are experiencing a Perfect Storm of economic hardships – some self-induced and some out of their control – leading into this period.  At the risk of sounding like […]

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Cru-Ca-Ble Cycle Lows Fulfilled

Cru-Ca-Ble Cycle Lows Fulfilled. Crude Corroborates 7-Year Crash Cycles. Oil Stocks Plummet into early-’16 Cycle Lows!   02/29/16 INSIIDE Track:      02/29/16 – Stock Indices fulfilled the early-2016 outlook – and the latest phase of the overall 2015/2016 Roadmap – by undergoing a sharp decline from mid-Dec. ‘15 (when the greatest synergy of cycles turned negative) into late-Jan./early-Feb. 2016… […]

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Feb. 2016 Cycle Lows Fulfilled

Feb. 2016 Cycle Lows Fulfilled. Asian Indices Reach Key Levels. US Indices Hold 2016 Yearly Support. 02/29/16 INSIIDE Track:    02/29/16 – Stock Indices fulfilled the early-2016 outlook – and the latest phase of the overall 2015/2016 Roadmap – by undergoing a sharp decline from mid-Dec. ‘15 (when the greatest synergy of cycles turned negative) into late-Jan./early-Feb. 2016… when cycles initially bottomed. Price action corroborated that with most of the Indices retesting […]

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2016 = Intensifying Instability

2016 = Intensifying Instability Earthquake & Volcano Cycles… April & Oct. 2016 = First Phases. 02/27/16 INSIIDE Track: “Instability Breeds Instability III: Earth Disturbance Update             2016 was projected to be an unstable year in many arenas.  From precious metals & currencies to equities to global geopolitics and even to geophysical activity, 2016 is expected to usher in a multi-year […]

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Gold, Silver, XAU Correcting

Gold, Silver, XAU Correcting; Early-March = Next Cycle Low… Mid-March Rally & April Low Likely. 02/27/16 Weekly Re-Lay:  “Gold & Silver are moving lower – on balance – since fulfilling decisive 4-Shadow upside price objectives on Feb. 11th.  At the time, Silver completed a 3rd successive, ~2-month rally of ~2.40/SI w/out turning its weekly trend up – opening the potential […]

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Stocks Continue Rally…

Stocks Continue Rally… Validating Jan./Feb. ‘16 Cycle Low. Multi-month Targets Fulfilled at Lows. 02/27/16 Weekly Re-Lay:  “Stock Indices have rallied after many of them set new lows in February – fulfilling monthly cycles lows in January & weekly cycle lows inFebruary… Stock Indices continue to rebound – on balance – since reaching extreme support on Jan. 20th.  Some Indices retested […]

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S+P 500 Completes Wave Structure

S+P 500 Completes Wave Structure. Indices Reach Downside Extremes… Multi-month Low Likely. 02/24/16 Weekly Re-Lay Alert:  “The Dueling Dows, No More” Stock Indices continue to rebound – on balance – since reaching extreme support on Jan. 20th.  Some Indices retested those lows – but remained in congestion – while others (like the DJ Transports) have moved on a more steady […]

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Gold, Silver, XAU Hit Price Targets

Gold, Silver, XAU Hit Price Targets; Brief Consolidation Expected… Timing Targets Project Ensuing Rally. 02/20/16 Weekly Re-Lay:  “Gold & Silver dropped sharply to begin the past week, after fulfilling decisive 4-Shadow upside objectives in price.  The multi-month advance – from the low & corresponding buy signals in mid-Dec. into last week – provided convincing validation to ongoing analysis that 2016 […]

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S+P 500 Completes Wave Structure

S+P 500 Completes Wave Structure. Indices Reach Downside Extremes… Multi-month Low Likely. 02/20/16 Weekly Re-Lay:  “Stock Indices retested their lows – allowing key Indexes to fulfill expectations for lows in February – and then rebounded as the DJTA continued on its cyclic course for a rally into Feb. 18th/19th.  The daily trend patterns could allow for some add’l upside in […]

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