DJ Transports Remain Strong

DJ Transports Remain Strong. Major Market Index Corroborates… Global Indices Reinforce Cycle Low. 02/17/16 Weekly Re-Lay Alert:  “The Dueling Dows – Part II” “Stock Indices continue to vacillate since reaching critical support (and extreme support) on Jan. 20th.  As emphasized at that time, the Jan. 2016 low reinforced a decisive monthly Cycle Progression – that includes the August 2015 low […]

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Silver Attacks 16.03/SI Target

Silver Attacks 16.03/SI Target; Initial High Taking Hold… New Advance Should Soon Follow! 02/13/16 Weekly Re-Lay:  “Gold & Silver continue to accelerate their advances, fulfilling expectations for an initial 11–12 week (ideally longer) advance from their Dec. lows.  A high (an initial one) in Feb. would validate multiple weekly & monthly cycles… while setting the stage for a subsequent advance, […]

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DJ Transports Leading Rebound

DJ Transports Leading Rebound. Other Indices Retest Lows… Jan/Feb. ’16 Cycle Low Fulfilled. 02/13/16 Weekly Re-Lay:  “Stock Indices dropped back to their lows and are attempting to rebound again… consolidating above their Jan. 20th lows.  Most Indices retested those lows, fulfilling & resetting the daily trend patterns.  That also (initially) fulfilled the weekly 2 Close Reversal sell signals, after triggering […]

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Gold/Silver Attack Upside Targets

Gold/Silver Attack Upside Targets. Multi-Month Pattern Fulfilled… Stocks Test Lows; New Bounce Likely. 02/11/16 INSIIDE Track Intra-month Update:   “Stock Indices remain in weekly downtrends – the most important factor that should be the primary focus – consolidating above their Jan. 20th lows… although just retesting those levels (in most Indices)… There remain conflicting signals that could extend this volatility – […]

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Silver Surge Continues (w/Gold)

Silver Surge Continues (w/Gold); 2016 Outlook Steadily Validated… The Golden Year Has Arrived! 02/10/16 Weekly Re-Lay Alert:  “Gold & Silver continue to accelerate their advances, nearly fulfilling expectations for an initial 11–12 week (ideally longer) advance from their Dec. lows…Silver is increasing the likelihood that it has set a Major bottom, fulfilling multiple yearly & monthly cycles while forming a […]

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Gold & Silver Stocks Confirming

Gold & Silver Stocks Confirming; XAU Surging from Jan. 19th Cycle Low… More Upside Expected. 02/06/16 Weekly Re-Lay:  “Gold & Silver continue to accelerate their advances, beginning the month of February with a reinforcement of the outlook for 1Q 2016…  Silver is increasing the likelihood that it has set a Major bottom, fulfilling multiple yearly & monthly cycles while forming […]

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Stocks Tracing Out Bottom

Stocks Tracing Out Bottom. Jan/Feb. ’16 Cycle Low Unfolding. Retest of Lows Expected. 02/06/16 Weekly Re-Lay:   “Stock Indices – first & foremost – remain in weekly downtrends, consolidating above their Jan. 20th lows.  Those lows need to be penetrated (or at least retested) in order to validate the potential for another low… The Indices were expected to rebound from the […]

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Stocks Reinforcing Jan. 20th Lows

Stocks Reinforcing Jan. 20th Lows. Volatile Rebound – into Feb. 16–19th – Likely. New Lows AND New (Rebound) Highs Expected. 02/04/16 INSIIDE Track Intra-month Update:   “Stock Indices remain in weekly downtrends, consolidating above their Jan. 20thlows.  Those lows added synergy to the 2nd key cycle low of 2016 (June 2016) – coming at the midpoint of the 10-month low-low-(low) Cycle […]

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Gold & Silver on Track…

Gold & Silver on Track… Continued Surge Expected. 02/03/16 Weekly Re-Lay Alert:  “Gold & Silver continue to accelerate their advances, beginning the month of February with a reinforcement of the outlook for 1Q 2016.  As stated on Jan. 30th: “Gold & Silver are both in daily uptrends, but pulling back.  There is a good argument that this pullback could end […]

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Stocks Fulfill Forecast for Sharp Drop

Stocks Fulfill Forecast for Sharp Drop. Jan. ’16 Decline Leads to Decisive Period! Feb. 2016 = 1–2 Year Cycle Low in Asia. 01/30/16 INSIIDE Track:   Outlook 2016–2017 40-Year Cycle Collision Courses           01-29-16 – 2016 has begun very similar to how it was anticipated.  If the outlook for 2016 (and beyond) was to be validated, two important things were projected for mid-Dec. ’15–late-Jan. ’16… and potentially extending into Feb. ’16: 1 […]

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