Gold Validating ‘The Golden Year’!

Gold Validating ‘The Golden Year’! Initial Surge into late-Jan. Likely; 1125.0/GC = First (of many) Target. 01/09/16 Weekly Re-Lay:  “Gold & Silver continue to validate the potential for a new advance to begin 2016 – The Golden Year.  Gold twice tested its primary downside target for the year of 2015 – at 1033–1045.0/GC – and was expected to rally from […]

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Stocks Confirm ‘Real Trouble’

Stocks Confirm ‘Real Trouble’. Mid-Dec–late-Jan. Drop Underway… 2016 = Tumultuous Cycle. 01/06/16 Weekly Re-Lay Alert:   “Stock Indices remain below their early-Nov. highs (when sell signals were triggered in all but the NQ) and are closely adhering to expectations for a new decline to begin after mid-December.  Since late-2014/early-2015, that has been discussed as the next phase of a developing bear […]

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Gold Enters ‘The Golden Year’!

Gold Enters ‘The Golden Year’! Big Surge Expected in 1Q ’16; Precursor to 2016–2018. 01/06/16 Weekly Re-Lay Alert:   ““Enter ‘The Golden Year’” Following a double test of its 2015 primary downside target (1033–1045.0/GC) and its secondary 3–5 year downside objective, Gold has begun ‘The Golden Year’ with an initial $30.00+/oz surge.  In doing so, it has turned its daily trend […]

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Stocks Poised for Quick, Sharp Drop

Stocks Poised for Quick, Sharp Drop. Asian Indices Near Multi-Year Cycle Low… Feb. 2016 = Potential 1–2 Year Bottom. 01/05/16 INSIIDE Track:   “Global Indices             Hong Kong’s Hang Seng Index continues to move lower after peaking in late-October – exactly 6 months/180 degrees from its late-April peak.  At the end of November, it gave a weekly 2 Close Reversal AND weekly 2–Step Reversal lower.               In late-Oct., it had produced a textbook sell signal – spiking up to […]

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Earthquake Cycles in 2016

Earthquake Cycles in 2016 Alpide Belt Quakes Fulfilled… Ring of Fire Quakes Next. 01/04/16 INSIIDE Track: “Instability Breeds Instability               Consistent with what was described in the Dec. 2015 INSIIDE Track, the Middle East/Alpide Belt was hit with another strong, late-December earthquake (a pattern that has repeated the past 15–20 years).  A strong earthquake struck Afghanistan – rocking the […]

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Grains & Gold Reinforce 2016 Cycles

Grains & Gold Reinforce 2016 Cycles;  Early Stage of Food Crisis Expected…  Early Stage of Golden Years Likely! 01/04/16 INSIIDE Track: Outlook 2016–2017 40-Year Cycle & Food Crises V            “Happy Golden Year!  No, that is not a reference to another national or ethnic calendar… but rather a reinforcement to cycles that have been discussed the past ~5 years. Simply put, long-term cycles in […]

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Seeds Planted for Future Food Crisis

Seeds Planted for Future Food Crisis; Focus Remains on 2019 & 2020… Could Projected Flood Cycles Impact Topsoil? 01/03/16 INSIIDE Track:  Food Crisis 2016/2017 Update No sooner did the Dec. 2015 issue go out, when I was alerted to a corroborating article published in the Guardian on Dec. 2nd – confirming two key analyses.  In one fell swoop, its title […]

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Stock Market Confirming Peak

Stock Market Confirming Peak. Mid-Dec. Triggers Trouble… Drop into late-Jan/early-Feb. Likely. 01/02/16 Weekly Re-Lay:   “Stock Indices are beginning to turn down – immediately after weekly cycles peaked – but need to provide more confirmation that a new multi-month decline is in its infancy.  3–6 month & 6–12 month traders should have sold Indices at their early-Nov. highs and be holding […]

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Gold Holding MAJOR Support

Gold Holding MAJOR Support. Buy Signals Triggered… Jan. ’16 Rally Expected. 01/02/16 Weekly Re-Lay:   “Gold & Silver hovering above their lows.  Traders should be holding Gold…looking for confirmation of a bottom and rally in Jan… Gold & Silver are steadily validating the potential for a bottom near current levels…with Gold maintaining its secondary 3–5 year downside target – and its […]

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Soybeans, Sunspots & Solar Cycles…

Soybeans, Sunspots & Solar Cycles…  Project 2016–2019 Intensification.  Food Crisis Cycles Corroborate! 01/02/16 INSIIDE Track: Outlook 2016–2017 40-Year Cycle & Food Crises V              40-Year Cycle & Food Crises 2019: The Synergy of Soybeans, Sunspots & Solar Cycles               The year of 2016 is expected to be – based on a myriad of cycles as well as long-term wave structure, technical indicators, etc. – a […]

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