Stockflation, 40-Year Cycle & Nasdaq 100

40 Year Cycle in Stock Indices Complete; Daily Trends Reverse Down; Drop into mid-Jan. Likely! 01/03/15 Weekly Re-Lay: “Stock Indices are rolling over – to the downside – after the DJIA spiked very near its multi-quarter & multi-year extreme upside price target(s) at~18,150.  The Nasdaq (& NYSE) remains below its November peak – a high that fulfilled so many diverse […]

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Crude, Gas, Energy Cycle Low

Crude, Gas, Energy Cycle Low; Jan. 2015 = Potential Bottom 01/03/15 INSIIDE Track: “Crude Oil, Unleaded Gas & Heating Oil have sold off sharply – validating the ~3-year cycle high projecting a mid-2014 peak (~105.00/CL).  Look for the next one in mid-2017.  In the interim, Crude has fulfilled 2Q 2014 analysis for a drop into 4Q 2014… but has not […]

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Euro Drop into late-2015 Likely

Euro Drop into late-2015 Likely;  Yen Bottom Near .8062/JY Expected. Euro Crisis on Horizon (2015–2018). 1/03/15 INSIIDE Track: “US Dollar/Int’l Currencies   01/03/15 – The Dollar Index remains positive and on course for an overall advance from May 2014 into late-2015 and up to its ideal target at ~95–96.00/DX.  It has already reached its initial 12–18 month objective – at ~91.00/DX – while fulfilling near-term projections for a quick surge to 91.54–91.64/DXH.  That fulfilled multiple […]

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Copper, Commodities Bottom in 2015

40-Year Cycle & Commodities; Deflationary Low Expected in 2015. 1/02/15 INSIIDE Track: “From 2007 into 2011, most commodity markets (and related inflationary indicators) experienced a blow-off advance.  Some peaked earlier.  Some later.  But 2011 was really the turning point.  It was – as described leading into that year and then throughout that year – a ’Date with Destiny’, when Gold […]

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2015–2017 = Acceleration Period

2015–2017 = Acceleration Period Breakdown in Europe Likely; Watch 2016… The Golden Year! 1/02/15 INSIIDE Track: “Outlook 2015–2017 The Shift Accelerates             01-02-15 – If I was pressed to use one word to describe expectations for 2015, it might be acceleration. 2013–2014 was projected to provide or reveal the initial phases on an expected ‘Shift’ of epic proportion. 2018–2021 is expected to see many (initial) results or consequences of […]

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Stock Market Perfect Storm

Stock Indices Poised for early-January Sell-off; Watch January 6–16th! 1/02/15 INSIIDE Track: “Stock Indices have fulfilled multi-year expectations and projections for an overall advance into 4Q 2014.    The stock market rally into 4Q 2014 completes a 40-year inflationary advance in Stock Indices originating from the 4Q 1974 bottom.  Will that advance ’turn on a dime’?  That remains to be seen. […]

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Russian & Equity Bears; Cycle of War

(Russian) Bears Beget (Equity) Bears; 40 Year Cycle of War & Peace Coinciding w/Russian Cycles! 12/27/14 Weekly Re-Lay: “40-Year Cycle, 7-Year Cycle & 14-Year Cycle Update: The coming week represents at least two anniversaries that should be watched closely.  The first is a 1-year anniversary (360-degree cycle) of the late-2013/early-2014 highs in Stock Indices.  By itself, that holds minor significance […]

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Stockflation, Gold & Platinum

40 Year Cycle in Stock Indices Nearing Peak; DJIA Fulfilling Extreme Upside Price Objectives! 12/27/14 Weekly Re-Lay: “Stock Indices edged higher with the DJIA nearing its multi-quarter & multi-year extreme upside price target(s) – at ~18,150… Stock Indices are in the process of completing a 40-Year Cycle of ‘Stock-flation’ from their Dec. 1974 lows.  About the only expectation for 2014 […]

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Gold & Silver Surge & Cycles

Stock Indices Completing 40-Year Cycle of Stock-flation; Gold & Silver Confirming Bottom; Surge into January Likely! 12/06/14 Weekly Re-Lay: “Stock Indices have fulfilled the multi-month & multi-year potential for an overall advance into 4Q 2014… but remain strong.  This could allow the DJIA to spike up to its 2014 projected high and upside wave targets from the past several years… […]

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40-Year Cycle in Gold, Silver & Stocks

40-Year Cycle Portends Tumultuous Period… …in Dec. 2014–April 2015;  Gold, Silver & Stocks Corroborate. 12/03/14 Weekly Re-Lay Alert: “Gold Confirming Nov. 3–7th Cycle Low; Stock Indices are vacillating near their highs as they fulfill multi-month, multi-year & multi-decade cycles that have projected a culminating surge into 4Q 2014 with a peak that was expected along with the greatest synergy of […]

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