Gold/Silver/Commodity ETFs – A Bubble?

Gold/Silver/Commodity ETFs: A Bubble About to Burst?             06-29-11 – The period of 2011–2013 (and 2011–2018/2019) remains my primary focus, when many cycles – years, decades and/or centuries in the making – reach fruition.  Corresponding events could include the bursting of various bubbles… The Ultimate Shell Game **In the 1920’s – in the mania that was the US Stock bull […]

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Euro Poised for Major, Multi-Year Decline

May 5, 2011 – ‘Euro Demise’ Global Unity Movement (G.U.M.) Throughout the better part of the past two decades, I have attempted to meticulously detail many of the cycles – and impacted entities – involved in reaching this conclusion. I plan on spending most of 2011 pulling these back together, updating them (since a lot has transpired since the early discussions) and – […]

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Dollar/Gold Date with Destiny in 2011

May 2011 …2011 is a Date with Destiny and would/will mark the culmination of a 12-Year period of commodity price inflation, most notably witnessed in the price of Gold & Silver, Energy Markets and the CRB Index…the focus of this Report is on Gold and what is expected to be the culmination of a 12-Year (and 40-Year) bull market… For […]

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Arab Spring Precisely Fulfilling Middle East Cycles

40-Year & (Future) Middle East Union; 2011 Fulfilling Projections! Out with Old; In with New… 01/31/11 INSIIDE Track: “Outlook 2011… Date With Destiny II             01–31-11 – Sometimes it takes a while for validation to occur.  Other times, it comes right away.  With respect to projections for 2011 being a Date with Destiny – a watershed year with surprising changes […]

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Arab Spring; Egypt Next? 2011 Date with Destiny!

40-Year & 30-Year Cycle in 2011; Middle East ‘Shift’ Projected! Precursor to 2018–2021 Union? 01/05/11 INSIIDE Track: “Outlook 2011… Date With Destiny             01–05-11 – The year 2011 is – in my opinion – a true Date with Destiny.  From a cyclic perspective, it is a watershed year.  This could, however, take many forms…. Out with the Old, In with […]

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Middle East Shift/Arab Unity Imminent

40-Year Cycle & Arab Unity; 2011 = Time for Major Middle East ‘Shift’! Next Step Toward 2018–2021 Union. 11/29/10 INSIIDE Track: “Outlook 2011… The Trigger The year 2011 is the culmination and transition of a myriad of MAJOR cycles – some 60, 360, 660, 720, 1,440, 1,980 and even 3,960 years in duration.  The period of 2011–2013 incorporates an even […]

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Middle East Cycles Shift in 2011!

Multi-Century (& 40-Year) Cycles Culminating; Major Middle East Shift Projected for 2011! 10/28/10 INSIIDE Track: “Outlook 2011… The Culmination of MAJOR Cycles             10–28-10 – The time has come, at last.  The year 2011 is upon us.  The culmination – and simultaneous inception – of a myriad of MAJOR cycles – some 60, 360, 660, 720, 1,440, 1,980 and even […]

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Chile & Japan Earthquake Cycles in 2010-2011

40-Year Cycle Corroborated by 11-Year Sunspot Cycle; …“extreme events in next 2-3 years”… 01/29/10 INSIIDE Track: “‘Signs in the Sun’             The (approximate) 11-Year Sunspot Cycle identifies the ebb and flow of solar activity.  This is important since this activity – massive explosions on the surface of the Sun – generate electro-magnetic storms that sometimes bombard earth. Being a magnetic […]

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