Point of Critical Mass in Dollar

9/10/14 – In politics, in geopolitics, in earth disturbances, in the markets… and in almost every aspect of life – there is a way of describing when enough synergy has been attained in order to prompt a change, or a reversal. It is best known as the ‘Point of Critical Mass’.

…A major change could be in the works for months or years, even though the underlying market action does NOT yet reflect it. It is only when that change – in the form of many smaller and some very subtle changes – reaches the Point of Critical Mass that an abrupt and often violent reversal occurs.

A similar scenario – I believe – is currently unfolding in the US Dollar…However, the Point of Critical Mass is not expected to be attained until 2015…On a related basis, all the international turmoil is ‘spooking’ the stock market but has not done any long-lasting damage. That, too, must reach the Point of Critical Mass before investors will race for the exits. That period could begin in…

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Dollar, Ruble, Yuan & Oil

9/06/14 – Perhaps the most significant, the most obvious, and potentially the most dangerous conclusion to draw from all of my 40-Year Cycle analysis is that the Dollar will – during its latest ‘shift’ from 2013-2017 – ultimately be replaced as the reserve currency of the world.  If/when that perception is reached, watch out! Every month – and sometimes every week – brings new validation to […]

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Gold/Silver Bottom in July 2015?

Gold & Silver Cycle Low in June/July 2015; Multi-Year Bottom Expected in mid-2015! 08/29/14 INSIIDE Track:  “Perhaps the more intriguing aspect of current action is what it means for the next 6–12 months.  2015 is the convergence of diverse yearly and monthly cycles in Gold & Silver. For starters, there is a sunspot-related, 11-year cycle between Major lows in Silver.  […]

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Dollar, Fiat Currency & 40-Year Cycle

08-27-14 – W.D Gann – whose work from the first half of the 1900’s has had a profound influence on my study and understanding of cycles – is often associated with a Bible passage from Ecclesiastes that summarizes the general nature of cycles.  The gist of it is described in the following quote: Ecclesiastes 1: 1, 4-6, 9-11 (NIV Translation) “The […]

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2014–2018 = Tumultuous Period

2014–2018 = Tumultuous Period;  Euro Crisis Expected! Unity Cycles in 2018–2021. 05/29/14 INSIIDE Track:  “While much of my time and focus remains on the uncanny convergence of 40-Year Cycles in 2014–2016, there is another cycle that is periodically addressed when discussing generational cycles: The 70-Year Cycle.  (There is also a 60-Year Cycle that warrants similar attention… just not at the moment.) This month, I am choosing to segue into […]

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May ’14 = New Euro Downturn

May ’14 = New Euro Downturn; 3-Year Cycle Portends EU Trouble… Dollar Nears MAJOR Support. 04/30/14 INSIIDE Track: “The Dollar Index is fulfilling analysis for another wave down into May 2014.  This is still expected to involve a spike below 79.00/DX – a level of vital support that represents a 50% correction of the ~73.00–85.00/DX advance.  The lows of late-2012, early-2013 & late-2013 were all set in close proximity to […]

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Dollar Targeted for May ’14 Low

Dollar Targeted for May ’14 Low; 2–4 Year Low Likely…  Euro Rebound on Track. 03/28/14 INSIIDE Track: “The Dollar Index has remained above its Oct. 21–25th low – set in synch with its 19-20 week cycle and a ~60-degree low-low-low-(low) CycleProgression.  The next/latest phase of that 19-20 week cycle came into play on March 3–14, 2014 – exactly when the Dollar set its latest bottom.               At the same time, […]

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Dollar Poised for May ’14 Low

Dollar Poised for May ’14 Low; ~78.00 = MAJOR Support!  Euro Troubles Could Follow… 02/28/14 INSIIDE Track: The Dollar Index has remained above its Oct. 21–25th low – set in synch with its 19-20 week cycle and a ~60-degree low-low-low-(low) CycleProgression (that subsequently produced another low on Dec. 18th).  However, the Dollar needs to give a weekly close above 81.73/DXH to reverse its weekly trend to up and to confirm this […]

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Dollar, Euro & Gold

Dollar, Euro & Gold:  The Fickle Correlation… 10/30/13 INSIIDE Track:  “Outlook 2013/2014…              A Seismic ‘Shift’? Correlation Probably the most common questions I receive – with regard to this and a lot of other analysis – have to do with correlation.  Usually, it is framed in a sense of disbelief (e.g. ‘How can Gold go down if the Dollar is going down’?).               I try to address […]

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