NFLX Sell Signal Portends ‘C’-Wave (Dynamic) Sell-off in Key Indexes; DJIA Projects Plunge from Mid-July ’19 Peak into Late-Aug. ‘19. Why?

07/17/19 Weekly Re-Lay Alert – “Stock Indices rallied into mid-month, peaking on July 15 and reversing lower.  That fulfilled intra-month uptrends and some daily & weekly cycles.  The Nasdaq 100 tested and held monthly resistance, while rallying into mid-month, the textbook scenario for an intra-month uptrend.  All the indexes have sold off with the DJIA, ESU & NQU neutralizing their […]

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Gold & Silver’s Weekly Trend Patterns Remain Bullish; 90/10 Rule of Cycles Could Trigger Sharp Advances as Stocks Projected to Plunge into late-Aug.

07/17/19 Weekly Re-Lay Alert – Seismicity & the 90/10 Rule of Cycles: “A great deal can be learned from studying cycles in various arenas.  Principles and phenomena observed in one arena often apply in others… and vice-versa.  That is the primary reason that I will discuss cycles in diverse topics like geopolitics, geophysics. flood & drought recurrence, and social/religious/civilization epochs. […]

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NFLX Triggers Sell Signal as Stock Indexes Project July 15/16 Top; Mid-July Peak Expected to Trigger 4 – 6 Week Sell-off into Late-Aug.

07/13/19 Weekly Re-Lay – “Stock Indices remain positive with key indexes rallying to new highs.  The DJTA fulfilled upside expectations in early-July and came very close to reaching downside targets this past week, before rallying back to its weekly 21 High MAC.  That vacillating action is still indicative of a secondary top formation (also evident in Russell 2K)… Stock Indices […]

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NFLX & Russell 2000 Leading Stock Reversal Lower; Cycles Portend Mid-July ’19 Peak Followed by Aug. ’19 Sell-off. Could Fed or Trade Wars Trigger New Slide?

07/13/19 INSIIDE Track Intra-Month Update – “Stock Indices remain positive after turning their weekly trends up in late-June, with key stocks and indexes rallying to new highs as many others remain below their late-April/early-May highs (the latest phase of a consistent ~8-month cycle). This comes after the primary indexes corrected into early-June, retesting and holding the high of their 2019 […]

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Gold’s Weekly Trend Pattern Projects New Wave Up; Could Stock Outlook (July/Aug. Sell-off) Spur New Surge in Gold??

07/13/19 Weekly Re-Lay: “Gold & Silver have pulled back but remain positive with the potential for additional highs now that a brief reactive pullback has unfolded… Gold & Silver have corrected for 2 – 3 weeks since turning their weekly trends up as Gold surged to its primary 1 – 2 year objective.  They have not neutralized their weekly uptrends, […]

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Stock Cycles Projecting Mid-July ’19 Peak Followed by Aug. ’19 Sell-off; Will Transports Lead the Way (Again)?

07/11/19 INSIIDE Track Stock Index Update – “Stock Indices remain positive, after turning their weekly trends up in late-June, with key stocks and indexes rallying to new highs as others continue to lag behind.  This comes after the primary indexes corrected into early-June, retesting and holding the high of their 2019 year-opening range – projecting rallies back to their highs […]

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Bullish Stock News Culminating for 2019; Fed Meeting (Late-July) Should Usher in Aug./Sept. ’19 Danger Period. Sell the News?

07/10/19 Weekly Re-Lay Alert – What Else is Left? – “With respect to interest rates and interest rate futures (Bonds & Notes), the market has been given about all the positive news it can handle.  Since early-Nov. ’18, Bonds & Notes have rallied – bottoming before the final rate hike of mid-Dec. ’19 and well before there was talk of […]

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Could Stock Outlook (and Interest Rates) Spur Bigger Surge in Gold? Multi-Week Consolidation Intact; When is Gold Likely to Break Out Higher??

07/10/19 Weekly Re-Lay Alert: “With respect to interest rates and interest rate futures (Bonds & Notes), the market has been given about all the positive news it can handle.  Since early-Nov. ’18, Bonds & Notes have rallied – bottoming before the final rate hike of mid-Dec. ’19 and well before there was talk of holding rates steady or ultimately lowering […]

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DJ Transports Poised to Signal Secondary Peak; Expected to Lead Reversals in Other Indexes… Ushering in Aug./Sept. ’19 Danger Period.

07/06/19 Weekly Re-Lay – “Stock Indices remain positive with key indexes rallying to new highs as others lag.  The DJTA remains the index that appears to be warning of a new 2 – 4 week (or longer) correction.  The coming week’s action could powerfully validate that potential… Stock Indices remain mixed with the primary indexes rallying to new recent (and/or […]

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Stocks Focused on Aug./Sept. ’19 Danger Period II; 40-Year Cycle & 4-Year Cycle Portend Bearish Aug. ‘19.

06/29/19 – The 40-Year Cycle has been corroborating what the 4-Year Cycle has forecast for the past 29 months.  The January 2017 Special Report – 40-Year Cycle: Stocks in 2017 – 2021, explained this uncanny cycle: 1-19-17 – “Finally, there are slightly larger-degree cycles arguing for a low in Aug./Sept. 2017 – as a precursor to a more important low […]

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