AAPL & Nasdaq 100 Reinforce Outlook for Surges Into Early-Feb; Rally Could Stretch into Feb. 4 – 8.  What Should Follow?

AAPL & Nasdaq 100 Reinforce Outlook for Surges Into Early-Feb; Rally Could Stretch into Feb. 4 – 8.  What Should Follow? 01/30/19 INSIIDE Track Stock Index Update – “Stock Indices remain in intermediate uptrends, pulling back to begin the week (again) while testing daily HLS levels and weekly support and preparing for a new multi-day rally.  The Nasdaq 100 pulled […]

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AAPL Earnings Confirm Technical Signals; Surge Into Early-Feb & Up To (at least) 172 Likely; Overall Indexes Portend Rally into Feb. 1 – 8.

AAPL Earnings Confirm Technical Signals; Surge Into Early-Feb & Up To (at least) 172 Likely; Overall Indexes Portend Rally into Feb. 1 – 8. 01/29/19 Weekly Re-Lay Alert – “Stock Indices remain in intermediate uptrends, pulling back to begin the week (again) while testing daily HLS levels and weekly support.  In the case of the Nasdaq 100, it also pulled […]

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AAPL On Track for Surge Into Early-Feb & Up To (at least) 172; Overall Indexes Portend Rally into Feb. 1 – 8.

AAPL On Track for Surge Into Early-Feb & Up To (at least) 172; Overall Indexes Portend Rally into Feb. 1 – 8. 01/28/19 INSIIDE Track Stock Index Update – “Stock Indices have consolidated for a week but remain capable of extending their rallies into Jan. 30 – Feb. 4 and up to the extreme upside targets for these advances.  They […]

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AAPL Reinforcing Analysis for Surge (From 152) Into Early-Feb; Corroborates Forecast for Indexes to Rally into Feb. 1 – 8.

AAPL Reinforcing Analysis for Surge (From 152) Into Early-Feb; Corroborates Forecast for Indexes to Rally into Feb. 1 – 8. 01/26/19 Weekly Re-Lay – “Stock Indices hesitated this past week but remain capable of extending their rallies into Jan. 30 – Feb. 4 and up to the extreme upside targets for these advances.  One of the key factors is now […]

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AAPL Projects New Surge (From 152); Corroborates Forecast for Equity Indexes to Rally into Feb. 1, Potentially Feb. 4 – 8.

AAPL Projects New Surge (From 152); Corroborates Forecast for Equity Indexes to Rally into Feb. 1, Potentially Feb. 4 – 8. 01/23/19 Weekly Re-Lay Alert: NFLX & Other Proxies (What’s Ahead for AAPL?) – “Stock Indices remain in daily & intra-month uptrends, pulling back to begin the week… The weekly trend signal portends an overall advance that could stretch into […]

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Weekly Trends Project Equity Rally into Feb. 1, Potentially Feb. 4 – 8; Extreme Upside Targets Likely to Be Reached.

Weekly Trends Project Equity Rally into Feb. 1, Potentially Feb. 4 – 8; Extreme Upside Targets Likely to Be Reached. 01/22/19 INSIIDE Track Intra-Month Update – “Stock Indices remain in daily & intra-month uptrends, pulling back to begin the week after fulfilling intermediate projections for a rally from Dec. 26/27 – when the DJIA tested its 2018 downside target at […]

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Cycles & Weekly Trends Project Equity Rally into Early-Feb.; Extreme Upside Targets in Focus.

Cycles & Weekly Trends Project Equity Rally into Early-Feb.; Extreme Upside Targets in Focus. 01/19/19 INSIIDE Track Intra-Month Update – “Stock Indices remain positive and fulfilled initial projections for a rally from Dec. 26/27 – when the DJIA tested its 2018 downside target at 22,100 – up to 24,295 – 24,366/DJIA, 2637- 2646/ESH & 6752 – 6774/NQH. Those primary upside […]

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