Stocks “Casting Shadows Ahead’: Indexes Likely to Drop to New Lows… and Extend Sell-off into late-May.  What are Weekly Trends Revealing?

Stocks “Casting Shadows Ahead’: Indexes Likely to Drop to New Lows… and Extend Sell-off into late-May.  What are Weekly Trends Revealing? 05/22/19 Weekly Re-Lay Alert: Casting Shadows Before – “Stock Indices rebounded after dropping into May 10 and attacking their monthly HLS levels (extreme downside targets for May 2019) and their March 2019 lows (i.e. 25,208/DJIA) – the lowest levels […]

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Stocks Triggering New Sell Signals: Indexes Likely to Drop to New Lows… and Extend Sell-off into late-May.  What are Weekly Trends Revealing?

Stocks Triggering New Sell Signals: Indexes Likely to Drop to New Lows… and Extend Sell-off into late-May.  What are Weekly Trends Revealing? 05/18/19 Weekly Re-Lay – “Stock Indices completed an initial sell-off, spiking down to weekly and then HLS levels while testing 1 – 2 month support levels.  That quickly spurred a rebound that has taken them to 3 – […]

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Stock Market Sell Signals IV: Indexes Bouncing But Approach New Selling Resistance; Decline Poised to Extend into late-May.

Stock Market Sell Signals IV: Indexes Bouncing But Approach New Selling Resistance; Decline Poised to Extend into late-May. 05/15/19 Weekly Re-Lay Alert: The China Syndrome II – Stock Indices spiked lower on Monday with the DJTA, Russell 2000, Nasdaq-100, Major Market Index and other indexes attacking their monthly HLS levels (extreme downside targets for May 2019) and initially bottoming.  This […]

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Stock Market Sell Signals III: Transports Reinforce Negative Signals; Indexes Need to Close Below Recent Lows to Confirm…

Stock Market Sell Signals III: Transports Reinforce Negative Signals; Indexes Need to Close Below Recent Lows to Confirm… 05/11/19 Weekly Re-Lay – “Stock Indices suffered an initial sell-off, spiking down to monthly support and weekly HLS levels (extreme downside targets for this past week) in fulfillment of late-April signals.  They must close below this past week’s lows to signal that […]

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Stock Market Sell Signals II:  May 3 Divergent Peak Projects Sharper Sell-off; Multi-Week Sell Signal in Force.  What Would Confirm Multi-Month Top?

Stock Market Sell Signals II:  May 3 Divergent Peak Projects Sharper Sell-off; Multi-Week Sell Signal in Force.  What Would Confirm Multi-Month Top? 05/08/19 Weekly Re-Lay Alert: The China Syndrome – “Exactly 40 years after the movie of that name (dealing with a potential nuclear meltdown), the markets are confronted with a different kind of China Syndrome – one that involves […]

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Stock Market Sell Signals!  Daily & Monthly Trends Trigger Early-May Sell Signals… Multi-Week Drop Expected to Follow.

Stock Market Sell Signals!  Daily & Monthly Trends Trigger Early-May Sell Signals… Multi-Week Drop Expected to Follow. 05/04/19 Weekly Re-Lay – “Stock Indices have initially fulfilled the 3 – 6 month outlook for an overall advance from late-Dec. into May 2019 – when a multi-month peak is most likely. May 2019 is the convergence of monthly cycles in most domestic […]

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Canary in Coal Mine II: Russell 2000 Validating Potential for Imminent Sell-off; Equities Enter Danger Period When Initial Sell-off is Very Likely!

Canary in Coal Mine II: Russell 2000 Validating Potential for Imminent Sell-off; Equities Enter Danger Period When Initial Sell-off is Very Likely! 05/01/19 Weekly Re-Lay Alert – May 2019 Cycles Have Arrived – “Stock Indices have initially fulfilled the 3 – 6 month outlook for an overall advance from late-Dec. into May 2019 – when a multi-month peak is most […]

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Canary in Coal Mine: Key Index Warning of Dangerous Period in Coming Weeks as Stocks Fulfill Forecast for late-April/early-May ’19 Peak?

Canary in Coal Mine: Key Index Warning of Dangerous Period in Coming Weeks as Stocks Fulfill Forecast for late-April/early-May ’19 Peak? 04/27/19 Weekly Re-Lay – “One particular index (Russell 2K) makes a strong case for that peak to occur in the coming week, based on its weekly trend pattern and 9-week low-high-(high) Cycle Progression.  April 29 – May 6 is […]

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Stock Market Danger: Stocks Fulfilling Forecast for late-April/early-May ’19 Peak;  What Could Trigger May 2019 Sell-off?

Stock Market Danger: Stocks Fulfilling Forecast for late-April/early-May ’19 Peak;  What Could Trigger May 2019 Sell-off? 04/24/19 Weekly Re-Lay Alert – “The ‘Energy/Equity Connection’ remains in force – most recently timing the late-Sept. peaks and late-Dec. lows in both complexes.  Both have been projected, since mid-to-late-2018, to see their next multi-month peaks set in May 2019.  As a result, it […]

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Stock Index Trading: Stocks Approaching late-April/early-May ’19 Cycle Peak; Reinforcing Why May 2019 is Vulnerable.

Stock Index Trading: Stocks Approaching late-April/early-May ’19 Cycle Peak; Reinforcing Why May 2019 is Vulnerable. 04/20/19 Weekly Re-Lay – “Stock Indices continue to fulfill the 3 – 6 month outlook for an overall advance from late-Dec. into May 2019 – when a host of weekly & monthly cycles peak (in domestic and global equity indexes)… Stock indexes are diverging on […]

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