August 26 – 28 Cycle Low Validated. Stocks Project (Minimum) 2 – 4 Day Rally While Fulfilling Weekly Cycle Lows. NFLX Concurs

08/28/19 Weekly Re-Lay Alert – NFLX & Range-Trading Targets: “Stock Indices have nearly completed the time frame when a sharp plunge was forecast – in late-July – late-Aug. ’19.  As detailed numerous times over the past couple months, a multi-week bottom was projected to take hold on Aug. 19 – 30, the latest phase of an 11 – 12 week […]

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Stocks Validating Aug. 26/27 Cycle Low; Minimum 2 – 4 Day Rally Signaled… Could Stretch into ????

08/28/19 INSIIDE Track Stock Index Update: “Stock Indices have nearly completed the time frame when a sharp plunge was forecast – in late-July – late-Aug. ’19.  As detailed numerous times over the past couple months, a multi-week bottom was projected to take hold on Aug. 19 – 30, the latest phase of an 11 – 12 week high (Oct. ’18) […]

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August ’19 Stock Plunge Complete? Stocks Spike Lower & Project 2 – 4 Day Rally; Fulfilling Weekly Cycle Lows. Bullish Divergence Concurs.

08/26/19 INSIIDE Track Stock Index Update: “Stock Indices spiked lower into Aug. 26 and then rebounded on news that US/China trade talks might soon resume.  This spike low allowed the indexes to fulfill expectations for another sharp 3 – 5 trading-day drop… This is the 6th decline of 3 – 5 trading days (since June 20), all with intervening rebounds […]

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August ’19 Stock Plunge Culminating? Stocks Signaling Imminent Low; NYSE Sets Stage for Reactive (2 – 3 Week) Rally as NFLX Portends Bottom. Aug. 26/27 = Decisive!

08/24/19 Weekly Re-Lay: “Stock Indices continue to confirm and fulfill analysis for a sharp plunge in late-July – late-Aug. ‘19 – the center of an overall bearish period forecast (since Jan. ’17) for July – Sept. ’19.  A blow-off low is a higher probability in the coming week. This latest phase was triggered on the Aug. 21 close, fulfilling daily […]

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August ’19 Stock Plunge Culminating II? Bonds Signal Culmination of ‘August Anxiety’; Peak in Bonds & Low in Stocks Likely in Coming Days!

08/24/19 Weekly Re-Lay: “Stock Indices completed their latest rebounds on Aug. 21/22, triggering a new round of short-term sell signals after twice neutralizing their daily downtrends (while fulfilling short-term daily cycle highs and the daily LHR indicator).  That projected a new 3 – 5 trading-day decline… Bonds & Notes provided additional (alarming) inverted yield curve signals, adding to the anxiety […]

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August ’19 Stock Plunge XVI: Final (?) 3 – 5 Day Drop Signaled; Intermediate Low Still Likely on Aug. 26 – 28! NYSE Shows Signs of Impending Bottom.

08/21/19 INSIIDE Track Stock Index Update: “Stock Indices remain in the overall ‘Danger Period’ of July – Sept. 2019 – when the latest 10 – 20% decline (in a series of similar declines projected for 2018 – 2022, usually surrounded by equally significant advances) was/is projected… As part of that, a sharp plunge was forecast in late-July – late-Aug. ‘19 […]

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