DJ Transports Poised to Signal Secondary Peak; Expected to Lead Reversals in Other Indexes… Ushering in Aug./Sept. ’19 Danger Period.

07/06/19 Weekly Re-Lay – “Stock Indices remain positive with key indexes rallying to new highs as others lag.  The DJTA remains the index that appears to be warning of a new 2 – 4 week (or longer) correction.  The coming week’s action could powerfully validate that potential… Stock Indices remain mixed with the primary indexes rallying to new recent (and/or […]

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Stocks Focused on Aug./Sept. ’19 Danger Period; 40-Year Cycle & 4-Year Cycle Portend Bearish Aug. ‘19.

06/29/19 INSIIDE Track – “Equity markets remain in what is expected to be a multi-year (wide) trading range, experiencing a series of multi-month rallies and multi-month declines while confined to the same range.  A decline into Aug./Sept. 2019 is expected… Stock indexes remain in a wide trading range, continuing to reinforce the 40-Year Cycle parallels to 1978/1979.  There are many […]

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Stocks Poised for Pullback Low in Coming Week; Mid-to-Late-July = Decisive Cycle Prior to Aug. ’19 Danger Period.

06/26/19 Weekly Re-Lay – “Stock Indices rallied into cycle highs on June 20 – 24 and immediately reversed lower – initially fulfilling the 1 – 2 week & 2 – 4 week outlooks.  The Russell 2000 has already turned its daily trend down while the S+P 500 needs a daily close below 2914.5/ESU to do the same.  Most other indexes […]

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Stocks Signal Potential for Retest of Highs; Mid-to-Late-July = Critical & Decisive Cycle… Aug. ’19 Danger Period Would Soon Follow.

06/22/19 Weekly Re-Lay – “Stock Indices rallied into pivotal cycles… the primary indexes turned their weekly trends back up – creating some uncertainty for July.  (Note: The Russell 2K and DJ Transports have not reversed their weekly trends up, leaving some divergence at this cycle peak.) That does not change expectations for a multi-week sell-off and does not change analysis […]

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Stocks Rallying on Good News; Could Trade War Surprise Create Next Sell-off? Aug. ’19 Decline Projected as Part of 3Q ’19 Danger Period.

06/19/19 Weekly Re-Lay Alert – “Stock Indices are just one of many markets focused on the three-day period of June 20 – 24.  That is when they are most likely to complete the latest phase of their overall outlook for 2Q 2019.  Gold is another with the 90/10 Rule of Cycles poised to spur a new surge. In general, the […]

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Stocks Completing Initial Sell-off; Increase Likelihood for Aug. ’19 Decline… “Cast Shadows Ahead’ to 3Q ’19 Danger Period.

06/05/19 Weekly Re-Lay Alert – “Stock Indices have provided multiple levels of validation to the outlook for May – Aug./Sept. 2019.  They turned their weekly trends down, confirming that a multi-month top is in place and increasing the likelihood for another wave down (after an intervening bounce) – that could last into Aug. ‘19. Not only did these indexes turn […]

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Stocks Completing May ’19 Sell-off; “Cast Shadows Ahead’ to Aug. ’19 for Related Decline: 3Q. ’19 Danger Period in Focus.

06/01/19 Weekly Re-Lay – “Stock Indices added powerful corroboration to the forecast for a substantial decline from May into Aug./Sept. 2019.  They turned their weekly trends down while closing below their weekly 21 Low MACs – a convincing duo of weekly signals that confirms a multi-month peak.  In both cases, those signals usually come within 1 – 2 weeks of […]

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Transports “Casting Shadows Ahead’: Confirm Late-April/Early-May Cycle High & Project Overall Correction into Aug./Sept. ’19. Aug. ’19 Danger Period in Focus.

05/30/19 INSIIDE Track – “Equity markets rallied into late-April/early-May, fulfilling the outlook since the late-Dec. lows and setting the stage for a new decline from May into Aug./Sept. 2019… Stock indexes are fulfilling projections for 2019 to begin with a rally into May – with certain stocks and indexes expected to spike to new highs while others peak just below […]

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Stocks “Casting Shadows Ahead’: Indexes Providing New Clues for Aug. ’19 Danger Period. What Does Intra-Year Trend Support Portend for June ’19?

05/29/19 Weekly Re-Lay Alert – Implications of the May 31 Close – “Stock Indices are in the midst of a very decisive two-week period that could have far-reaching implications – influencing what to expect into/through 3Q 2019 and potentially through year-end. They continue to drop in fulfillment of their negative daily trends, intra-month trends, and daily 21 MACs – as […]

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Stocks “Casting Shadows Ahead’: Indexes Revealing Initial Weakness… What Does This Mean for Aug. ’19 Danger Period?

05/25/19 Weekly Re-Lay – “Stock Indices have consolidated since completing an initial sell-off in line with weekly and then monthly HLS levels while testing 1 – 2 month support levels.  Some have since dropped to new lows while others have remained in a trading range. The weekly trend patterns are the key to what to expect between now and Aug. […]

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