Why the 2-Year Cycle (& DJIA Peak) Projects an October Plunge in Stocks.

Why the 2-Year Cycle (& DJIA Peak) Projects an October Plunge in Stocks. 09/29/18 Weekly Re-Lay: “Stock Indices are poised for an October correction, in line with a consistent 2-Year Cycle and following the DJIA’s fulfillment of its weekly trend pattern.  The Nasdaq 100 – and several related, key tech stocks – remain below the late-August peaks although the daily […]

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How the DJIA Just Signaled a 5th of 5th Wave Peak – Projecting a Bearish 4Q ‘18.

How the DJIA Just Signaled a 5th of 5th Wave Peak – Projecting a Bearish 4Q ‘18. 09/28/18 INSIIDE Track:  Stock indexes have maintained the potential for a quick, sharp drop in October – similar to late-Jan./early-Feb. ’18 – and the subsequent setting of a new multi-week/multi-month low. That remains in the context of another expected peak in Nov./Dec. 2018 […]

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Why the 2-Year Cycle Projects an October Plunge in Stocks.

Why the 2-Year Cycle Projects an October Plunge in Stocks. 09/26/18 Weekly Re-Lay Alert – 720 Degrees: What the 2-Year Cycle Reveals:  “One of the most consistent cycles in equity markets is an approximate 2-Year Cycle (accounting for similar consistency in a corresponding 4-Year Cycle and even 8-Year Cycle).  This 2-Year Cycle has multiple facets, including the timing of related […]

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Tech Stocks Corroborating Cycle Highs; 2-Year Cycle Portends Dangerous 4Q ‘18.

Tech Stocks Corroborating Cycle Highs; 2-Year Cycle Portends Dangerous 4Q ‘18. 09/22/18 Weekly Re-Lay:  Stock Indices remain mixed with the DJIA reaching new highs and finally fulfilling its weekly trend pattern.  At the same time, the Nasdaq 100 has struggled to rally the past two weeks and is poised to enter a ‘c’ wave decline in the coming week(s).  Leading […]

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DJIA Remains Likely to Retest Jan. ’18 High… Before Substantial Decline.

DJIA Remains Likely to Retest Jan. ’18 High… Before Substantial Decline. 09/01/18 Weekly Re-Lay:  Stock Indices are fulfilling bullish signals generated on Aug. 15/16 with the NQU just spiking up to test and hold its weekly extreme upside target (LHR).  A September correction remains a strong possibility, with the weekly trends expected to play a key role… Stock Indices remain […]

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3Q ‘18 Topping Process in Motion; DJIA Lagging But Could Still Retest Jan. ’18 High.

3Q ‘18 Topping Process in Motion; DJIA Lagging But Could Still Retest Jan. ’18 High. 08/29/18 Weekly Re-Lay Alert – The Energy/Equity Connection II:  Stock Indices continue to move progressively higher (as do energy markets; see 8/22/18 Alert for related details on this ongoing correlation) after fulfilling the potential for a 3 – 6 month or longer bottom in March […]

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Late-Aug. Cycles Reinforcing Topping Process; Watch NQ-100 & Tech Stocks.

Late-Aug. Cycles Reinforcing Topping Process; Watch NQ-100 & Tech Stocks. 08/25/18 Weekly Re-Lay:  Stock Indices are mixed near their highs with the Nasdaq 100 lagging as the DJIA & ESU rallied from bullish signals generated on Aug. 15/16.  That has fulfilled the DJIA’s weekly Cycle Sequence as the S+P retested its all-time high – setting the stage for a multi-week […]

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NFLX = First of FAANGs to Fall; Could AMZN Could Be Next?  (Watch Late-August)

NFLX = First of FAANGs to Fall; Could AMZN Could Be Next?  (Watch Late-August) 08/11/18 Weekly Re-Lay:  Stock Indices are moving in fits and starts, rallying during the first half of the week in sync with daily trend patterns and geometric cycles… Two bellwether stocks (AMZN & MSFT) attacked their weekly LHRs – attaining extreme upside targets and providing added […]

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