Stock Market Reinforcing Outlook for 2 – 3 Month Advance – from late-Aug. into Nov. 11 – 15! How Long/Deep Should Ensuing Correction Last?

10/16/19 Weekly Re-Lay Alert – Geopolitical Upheaval Setting Stage: “Stock Indices remain in a narrowing trading range since their early-June lows, with the ultimate objective being a rally back to their July highs.  On a near-term basis, stock indexes fulfilled the outlook for a rally into mid-month from the Oct. 3 lows.  A 1 – 2 week high was expected […]

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Stock Indexes Remain on Track for Overall Rally (from late-Aug.) into Nov. 11 – 15! What Do Cycles Project for Mid-Nov. – late-Dec. ‘19?

10/12/19 INSIIDE Track Intra-Month Update: “Stock Indices rallied farther from their early-Oct. lows, turning short-term trends back up (a little sooner than expected) while reinforcing the weekly trend pattern in the Transports (and the primary indexes).  That DJTA trend pattern helped pinpoint a high in mid-Sept. and projected a retest of its late-Aug. low, which was fulfilled in early-Oct. Along […]

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Stock Market Reinforces Projections for New Rally into Nov. 11 – 15! 1 – 2 Week High Likely on ~Oct. 15. What is Expected After Mid-Nov.?

10/12/19 Weekly Re-Lay: “Stock Indices rallied further from their early-Oct. lows, reinforcing the weekly trend pattern in the DJTA.  That trend pattern helped pinpoint a high in mid-Sept. and projected a retest of its late-Aug. low, which was fulfilled in early-Oct. Along with the weekly 21 MARC, that ushered in the time when Transports were more likely to see a […]

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Stock Trading: Equities Remain on Track for Overall Rally into Nov. 11 – 15! Early-Oct. Cycle Low Taking Hold… How High Could Next Advance Surge?

10/05/19 Weekly Re-Lay: “Stock Indices fulfilled a primary expectation from their cycle highs on Sept. 13/16.  The DJTA, which led the reversal lower in mid-Sept., attacked its late-Aug. low, fulfilling its weekly trend pattern and ushering in the potential for an initial low. In contrast, the primary indexes remain in more positive weekly trend structures that still argue for Nov. […]

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Stock Trading: Equities Remain on Track for Overall Rally into Nov. 11 – 15! Early-Oct. Cycle Low Taking Hold… How High Could Next Advance Surge?

10/05/19 Weekly Re-Lay: “Stock Indices fulfilled a primary expectation from their cycle highs on Sept. 13/16.  The DJTA, which led the reversal lower in mid-Sept., attacked its late-Aug. low, fulfilling its weekly trend pattern and ushering in the potential for an initial low. In contrast, the primary indexes remain in more positive weekly trend structures that still argue for Nov. […]

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Stock Market Poised for New Rally… into Nov. 11 – 15! DJTA & NFLX Complete Sell-offs; Early-Oct. Cycle Low Taking Hold. What is Expected After Mid-Nov.?

10/05/19 INSIIDE Track Intra-Month Update: “Stock Indices fulfilled a few key components of the latest intermediate trend, selling off from cycle highs in mid-Sept. – when the Transports projected a quick plunge back to their late-Aug. low – into early-Oct. The Transports fulfilled that downside objective, plunging back to retest their late-Aug. low near 9,700/DJTA… as the daily trend action […]

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Stock Trading: DJ Transports Fulfilling Projected Plunge. NFLX Completes Sept. 9 Sell Signal. More Significant Bottom Imminent. Rally into Nov. 11 – 15 Likely!

10/02/19 Weekly Re-Lay Alert: “Stock Indices continue to follow the lead of their parallel (to 2015), precursor (DJTA) and proxy stock (NFLX) – all of which projected a sharp drop into late-Aug., a strong rebound into mid-Sept., and then another sell-off in which the Transports were projecting a quick plunge back to their late-Aug. low.  They needed to complete this […]

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Stock Market Cycles: Aug. 26 Low Projects Overall Rally into Nov. 11 – 15; Weekly Trends Project New Highs. What Could Surprise Markets in/After mid-Nov. 2019???

09/30/19 INSIIDE Track: “Outlook 2019/2020 – The ~11-Year Cycle – Part II 09-30-19 – Late-Aug./early-Sept. ’19 ushered in a transition phase on so many levels, its significance should not be underestimated… For starters, there was the stock market.  Since 2017, a primary focus has been on 3Q ’19 – ideally on late-Aug. ’19 – for the culmination of another sharp […]

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Stocks Project Accelerated Decline… DJ Transports Portend Quick Plunge to Late-Aug. Low. NFLX Fulfills Sept. 9 Sell Signal (‘Canary in Coal Mine’).

09/28/19 Weekly Re-Lay: “Stock Indices sold off into late-Sept., following the lead of the DJTA and NFLX – both of which corroborated cycle highs on Sept. 13/16.  The coming week, and particularly the next two trading days, could have a powerful influence on what equities are likely to do between now and mid-Nov. – when a web of weekly cycles […]

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Stocks Confirm New Intermediate Decline… DJ Transports Validate Weekly Sell Signal. NFLX Fulfilling Sept. 9 Sell Signal (‘Canary in Coal Mine’).

09/25/19 Weekly Re-Lay Alert – Precursors, Proxies & Parallels: “Stock Indices have provided more fulfillments, and future clues, regarding their near-term and intermediate outlooks.  They continue to follow the parallel to 2015, in which a sharp July/August decline – bottoming in late-August – led to a strong rebound into mid-Sept. In 3Q ’19, the indexes also fulfilled another parallel – […]

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