Stocks Confirm Projected Sept. 13/16 Peak… DJ Transports Trigger Weekly Sell Signal. NFLX Validating Sept. 9 Sell Signal (‘Canary in Coal Mine’).

09/21/19 Weekly Re-Lay: “Stock Indices rallied into Sept. 13/16 – the projected time for (at least) a 1 – 2 week peak.  The DJIA & S+P 500 attacked their July highs while the Nasdaq 100 fell a little short.  Potentially more revealing is what has unfolded in the DJ Transportation Average, producing a textbook weekly trend sell signal after testing […]

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Stocks Fulfill Projected Peak on Sept. 13/16… DJ Transports Signal Danger & Quick Plunge. NFLX Concurs (‘Canary in Coal Mine’).

09/19/19 INSIIDE Track Intra-Month Update: “Stock Indices initially fulfilled the intermediate outlook for a rally from Aug. 26/27 (daily & weekly cycle lows) into Sept. 13/16 (daily cycle highs) before setting at least a 1 – 2 week peak… The Transports are one exception… and were expected to remain weaker than the other indexes and to lead the expected reversal […]

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Stocks Poised for Projected Peak on Sept. 13/16… DJ Transports Concur. NFLX Latest Sell Signal Portends New Trouble on Horizon (‘Canary in Coal Mine’).

09/14/19 Weekly Re-Lay: “Stock Indices have rallied since bottoming with daily & weekly cycles on Aug. 26/27 – while projecting a rally back to the highs (based on the weekly trend patterns).  A 1 – 2 week (or longer) peak is expected at this time – Sept. 13 – 17 -and would ideally involve retests of the July ’19 highs… […]

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Stocks Fulfilling Projected Rally into Sept. 13/16… NFLX Signaling More Trouble on Horizon (‘Canary in Coal Mine’). Stocks Precarious After Mid-Sept.

09/11/19 Weekly Re-Lay Alert: “Stock Indices are reinforcing the outlook for a rally from Aug. 26/27 (daily & weekly cycle lows) into Sept. 13/16 (daily cycle highs) and back up to the late-July/early-Aug. highs (weekly trend objectives).  Similar to last week, they did see a quick pullback into Tuesday with the S+P & Nasdaq 100 testing and holding their daily […]

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Stocks Reinforce Rally from Aug. 26/27 Cycle Low; Project Sept. 13/16 Peak… NFLX Signaling More Trouble (‘Canary in Coal Mine’).

09/07/19 Weekly Re-Lay: “Stock Indices have rallied since bottoming with daily & weekly cycles on Aug. 26/27.  The weekly trend patterns argue for a rally back to the highs, initially corroborated by the DJIA & NYA daily trend signals of late-Aug.  The next 1 – 2 week (or longer) peak is expected around Sept. 13/16 but needs to be validated […]

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Stocks Rally from Aug. 26/27 Cycle Low; Project Sept. 13/16 Peak… NFLX Remains Troubling (‘Canary in Coal Mine’).

09/04/19 Weekly Re-Lay Alert: “Stock Indices rallied for 3 – 4 days from their Aug. 26/27 lows (a 2 – 4 day rally was projected) and were projected (in the 8/31/19 Weekly Re-Lay) to see a 1 – 2 day pullback before resuming their rebounds. They saw that pullback to begin the week with most indexes spiking down to their […]

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Stocks Confirming Aug. 26/27 Cycle Low; Project Strong Rally into Sept. 13/16… NFLX Could Peak Earlier and Enter Next Leg Down.

08/31/19 Weekly Re-Lay: “Stock Indices completed their latest 3 – 5 day sell signals on Aug. 26/27 – while fulfilling a precise 12-week/84-day low-low-low Cycle Progression – and signaled a new rally.  The DJIA & NYA turned their daily trends up during that rally and could see a brief pullback before another multi-day rally.  With stocks fulfilling weekly cycle lows […]

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AAPL & Nasdaq 100 Reinforce Outlook for Surges Into Early-Feb; Rally Could Stretch into Feb. 4 – 8.  What Should Follow?

AAPL & Nasdaq 100 Reinforce Outlook for Surges Into Early-Feb; Rally Could Stretch into Feb. 4 – 8.  What Should Follow? 01/30/19 INSIIDE Track Stock Index Update – “Stock Indices remain in intermediate uptrends, pulling back to begin the week (again) while testing daily HLS levels and weekly support and preparing for a new multi-day rally.  The Nasdaq 100 pulled […]

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AAPL Earnings Confirm Technical Signals; Surge Into Early-Feb & Up To (at least) 172 Likely; Overall Indexes Portend Rally into Feb. 1 – 8.

AAPL Earnings Confirm Technical Signals; Surge Into Early-Feb & Up To (at least) 172 Likely; Overall Indexes Portend Rally into Feb. 1 – 8. 01/29/19 Weekly Re-Lay Alert – “Stock Indices remain in intermediate uptrends, pulling back to begin the week (again) while testing daily HLS levels and weekly support.  In the case of the Nasdaq 100, it also pulled […]

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AAPL On Track for Surge Into Early-Feb & Up To (at least) 172; Overall Indexes Portend Rally into Feb. 1 – 8.

AAPL On Track for Surge Into Early-Feb & Up To (at least) 172; Overall Indexes Portend Rally into Feb. 1 – 8. 01/28/19 INSIIDE Track Stock Index Update – “Stock Indices have consolidated for a week but remain capable of extending their rallies into Jan. 30 – Feb. 4 and up to the extreme upside targets for these advances.  They […]

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