August ’19 Stock Plunge Culminating? Stocks Signaling Imminent Low; NYSE Sets Stage for Reactive (2 – 3 Week) Rally as NFLX Portends Bottom. Aug. 26/27 = Decisive!

08/24/19 Weekly Re-Lay: Stock Indices continue to confirm and fulfill analysis for a sharp plunge in late-July – late-Aug. ‘19 – the center of an overall bearish period forecast (since Jan. ’17) for July – Sept. ’19.  A blow-off low is a higher probability in the coming week.

This latest phase was triggered on the Aug. 21 close, fulfilling daily cycles, daily LHR indicators, and triggering a new daily trend signal that was/is likely to spur another sharp 3 – 5 trading-day drop.  At the same time, leading indexes (NYA, DJTA, Russell 2000) rebounded right to their descending weekly 21 Low MACs (during the week after these channels turned down) and reversed lower…

The primary stock indexes have generated multiple neutral signals against their prevailing weekly uptrends but need weekly closes below 25,440/DJIA, 2775/ESU & 7224/NQU to reverse those trends to down…

Stock indexes rebounded into Aug. 21, fulfilling daily cycles, the daily LHR indicators and daily trend signals – even as leading indexes (NYA, DJTA…) rebounded right to their descending daily 21 Low MACs and reversed lower – triggering daily sell signals on the Aug. 21 close.  That was/is expected to spur another sharp 3 – 5 day sell-off with additional downside likely in the coming days.”

Stock markets trigger latest 3 – 5 day sell signal on Aug. 21 – leading into culmination of projected August plunge.  ~12-Week Cycle Progression in stock indexes focused on Aug. 26 – 28 for next multi-week low as NFLX reinforces likelihood for imminent low.  When is rebound most likely?  How far could stocks rally??  When is next intermediate peak expected???

Refer to latest Weekly Re-Lay & INSIIDE Track publications for additional details and/or related trading strategies.