Crude Targeting New Highs

Crude Targeting New Highs;
Daily & Weekly Trends Agree.
Rally into March 23 – 28 Likely.

03/07/18 Weekly Re-Lay Alert:

Crude Oil, Unleaded Gas & Heating Oil corrected sharply after turning their daily trends up.  All three neutralized their daily uptrends multiple times…

If a new rally does take hold (now), it could carry the energy markets higher into March 19 – 30, the next phase of an 8 – 9 week high-high-high-high Cycle Progression.

Natural Gas remains likely to decline, on balance, into April/May 2018.”

Crude and the oil markets continue to rebound after fulfilling their intermediate downside targets and cycle lows in mid-Feb.  They maintained positive weekly trend patterns throughout this correction, projecting a rally back to the January 2018 highs.  That is most likely to occur in late-March when an ~8-week cycle projects the next important peak.

See Weekly Re-Lay & INSIIDE Track for additional analysis and/or trading strategies.