DJ Transports Poised to Signal Secondary Peak; Expected to Lead Reversals in Other Indexes… Ushering in Aug./Sept. ’19 Danger Period.

07/06/19 Weekly Re-Lay – “Stock Indices remain positive with key indexes rallying to new highs as others lag.  The DJTA remains the index that appears to be warning of a new 2 – 4 week (or longer) correction.  The coming week’s action could powerfully validate that potential…

Stock Indices remain mixed with the primary indexes rallying to new recent (and/or new multi-month) highs, fulfilling their daily trend signals.  This comes after many of them initially corrected into early-June, retesting and holding the high of their 2019 year-opening range.

The test of that pivotal ‘resistance turned into support’ reinforced the prevailing intra-year uptrends and has spurred a rally into mid-year, the most likely time for an intra-year uptrend to peak…

If a 2 – 4 week (or longer) high is going to take hold now, it could first be seen in the Transports.”

Stocks completing rebounds from early-June lows but remain focused on Aug. ‘19 bearish cycles, casting shadows ahead for a sharper decline.  40-Year Cycle & 4-Year Cycle project increasing trouble in/around Aug. ‘19… with a Aug. ’15-style sell-off becoming increasingly more likely!  What would Aug. ’19 sell-off mean for 4Q ‘19?

Refer to latest Weekly Re-Lay & INSIIDE Track publications for additional details and/or related trading strategies.