Gold & Silver Reinforce 90/10 Rule of Cycles (Time for Accelerated Advances); Add’l Surges Likely After Mid-July.  XAU Poised to Escalate Advance!

Gold & Silver Reinforce 90/10 Rule of Cycles (Time for Accelerated Advances); Add’l Surges Likely After Mid-July.  XAU Poised to Escalate Advance!

06/22/19 Weekly Re-Lay: “Gold & Silver entered the accelerated phase of their 3 – 5 week and 1 – 2 month (Gold) advances – reinforcing the 90/10 Rule of Cycles.  They have nearly fulfilled the outlook for rallies into June 24 – 28, turning their weekly trends back up and corroborating that analysis.

As repeatedly stressed, that needed to occur by/in late-June in order to ultimately extend this advance into July (or even August) 2019.  Paradoxically, the reversal of those trends pinpoints June 24 – 28 as the likely time for an initial peak and reactive (1 – 3 week) pullback… before the next rally.  That would also fulfill the weekly LHR pattern in Gold.

On a 2 – 3 month basis, this action powerfully validates Gold’s monthly 2 Close Reversal higher triggered in May – confirming its late-April/early-May buy signal (~1270.0/GC) and projecting 1 – 3 months of bullish, upside follow-through.  Traders should still be holding those long positions as Gold prepares for what could be a blow-off top.

On a 6 – 12 month basis, Gold is nearing pivotal objectives – in time and price – discussed since Nov. ’18.  Much of that analysis was reviewed last week but the key factors can be gleaned from this small excerpt of the Dec. ’18 INSIIDE Track analysis:

11/29/18 – The primary upside target… is at 1410 – 1445/GC, where multiple ’rally = rally’ projections intersect the 4th wave of lesser degree resistance (from the 2011 – 2015 decline).  These wave/price targets do NOT incorporate time, so other indicators need to blend the two.

One other consistent cycle in Gold is worth noting.  It is a 17 – 18 month high-high cycle that has timed five successive highs (beginning with the secondary peak in Feb. ‘12) – most recently the July ‘16 & Jan, ‘18 highs – and projects another in June/July ‘19.

Reinforcing the potential for metals (Gold, Silver, Copper, XAU) to go through a bottoming phase in Aug. – Nov. 2018, and then enter the early stages of a new advance, Silver retested its lows in Nov… 

One of the most important, and most consistent, cycles is …an approximate 9.5-month, or 39 – 41-week, cycle in Silver… the Cycle Progression projected a subsequent low for Nov. 5 – 19, 2018.”

…Gold is now attacking that 1 – 2 year objective at 1410 – 1445.0/GC, reinforcing the significance of this latest surge and the potential for another important peak (in a 1 – 2 year sequence of ascending peaks) in late-June/early-July

On Tuesday, Gold turned its intra-month trend up – showing new strength and signaling additional upside in June (projecting a rally into late-month) – reinforcing the potential for overall advances into June 24 – 28.  Their action during the first half of the week projected sharp surges for the second half of the week.

On June 20, both metals finally broke out to the upside – finally closing above their June 7 highs and entering the parabolic stage of this advance.  Another spike high is possible in the coming days, with Silver capable of surging as high as 16.000/SIN… as long as it does not close below 15.150/ SIN in the interim.

The XAU has nearly fulfilled expectations for a surge from May 22 into June 24 – 28… A monthly close above 80.76 (on June 28) would be an even more convincing bullish signal that would also allow the XAU to close above its monthly 21 High MAC for the first time since Aug. 2017.”

Gold fulfilling 6 – 12 month outlook for overall rally into July 2019 and primary upside objective surrounding 1445.0/GC.  3 – 6 month buy signal (in late-April/early-May… near 1270.0/GC) & May 31 2 Close Reversalbullish signal project increasing gains in June & July ‘19.  Gold/Silver Index (XAU) elevates advance while reinforcing forecast for overall surge into July/August ‘19 and ideally above 90.00.  Silver poised for accelerated rally.

What Would July/August ’19 Peak Signal? 

Refer to latest Weekly Re-Lay & INSIIDE Track publications for additional details and/or related trading strategies.