Gold & Silver Project Rally into April 10; Weekly Cycles Project Multi-Week Top at That Time.  Subsequent Drop Could/Should Last into Daily Cycle Lows on April 17 – 18.

Gold & Silver Project Rally into April 10; Weekly Cycles Project Multi-Week Top at That Time.  Subsequent Drop Could/Should Last into Daily Cycle Lows on April 17 – 18.

04/06/19 Weekly Re-Lay:  

Gold & Silver spiked to new recent lows and below their March 7 lows while testing and holding their daily HLS levels and Gold’s intra-year trend support – an ideal setup for at last a 1 – 2 week low…

If Gold & Silver see a quick surge, particularly if they make it back to/near/above their March 25 highs, they could set a 1 – 3 week peak (all part of an unfolding consolidation phase since late-Feb.) – in line with Gold’s consistent ~7-week low-low-low-high-high-(high) Cycle Progression that timed the early-Jan. & late-Feb. peaks with precision.

A peak on April 8 – 12 would perpetuate that ~7-week cycle and project focus to its next phase on May 28 – 31.  A subsequent peak on/around May 28 – 31 would perpetuate a corresponding 13 – 14 week low-low-high-(high) Cycle Progression… as well as this prevailing, ~7-Week Cycle Progression

In recent months, Gold has traded in swings and cycles of ~12 trading days.  The latest rally – from March 7 – 25 – perpetuated that cycle and created a 12 trading-day low-high-(high) Cycle Progression that would be fulfilled with a daily high on ~April 10

All of these factors (including the prevailing daily downtrends) show that Gold & Silver could see a quick, additional 2 – 4 day surge and then set a 1 – 2 week peak – extending the current congestion.”

Gold, Silver & XAU are poised for a quick surge into ~April 10 followed by a new 1 – 2 week drop.  Daily cycles beginning to focus on April 17 – 18 for potential low.  Watch Dollar action in final weeks of April!

What Could Trigger April 10 Peak in Gold? 

Refer to latest Weekly Re-Lay & INSIIDE Track publications for additional details and/or related trading strategies.