Interest Rates: Final Bond Rally into July ’20 (Major) Cycle Peak

Outlook 2019/2020:  The 80-Year Cycle

10-30-19 – The 40-Year Cycle has powerfully reinforced its ubiquity and accuracy, right up to the present day.  While many of the events about to be discussed might be debated as to their individual impact or significance, they combine with so many corroborating events to create a synergy that cannot be refuted.

So how do the intensifying wildfires in California, the US pullout from Northern Syria (catapulting Turkey into the most decisive period in their recent history), the unresolved trade war with China, and the continued ascent in Gold – not to mention dozens of other seemingly unrelated occurrences – reinforce this uncanny 40-Year Cycle?

If they are somehow linked, what does that signify?

America’s Trio of 80YCs

In articles over the past decade, I have detailed the 40-Year Cycle that has governed America’s entire existence – incorporating everything from currency to conflict to agricultural development and shifts.  Global gold and currency action – dating back to (at least) the 1200’s has adhered to that cycle.  That cycle projected a momentous shift for 2017 – 2021.

A higher-magnitude 80-Year Cycle has timed the bigger, over-arching evolutions – most notably America’s involvement in major wars (1781 – 1861 – 1941 – 2021?).  That 80-Year Cycle of War has also governed European conflict – prior to and overlapping America’s existence as a nation – dating back hundreds of years prior to 1781.

As discussed in 2013 – 2015, that 80-Year Cycle has also timed larger migration shifts in America – tied to agriculture (and gold).  The excerpt on page 2 recounts a little bit of that analysis – detailing why I believe the 2020’s could usher in a developing shift away from California.  And that could impact a lot!

That doesn’t have to be a mass exodus, but simply a steady intensification of what is already emerging – based on many factors.  Numerous articles have already documented the start of this transition – an early fulfillment of the analysis detailed in 2013 – 2015 and another form of ‘canary in the coal mine’.

They attribute a potential population shift to various factors – including an aging population (80-Year Cycle?).  With diverse living costs already sky-high, a demographic shift will increase the financial burden to fewer citizens – likely accelerating the exodus due to lack of affordability.  Increasing natural disasters – and the costs they create (directly and indirectly in rising costs like insurance) could exacerbate this.

[NOTE: I have no ‘axe to grind’ with California.  On the contrary, I love what the state has to offer and spend a couple weeks there every year.  I lived there in the ‘90’s, have more than half of my family based there, love the coast – from Santa Monica up to Mendocino – and have backpacked in Yosemite for a week at a time, 5 times over the past decade.  This is simply cyclic observations and analysis.]

From an agricultural perspective, there are factors that could push crop production costs up and validate the analysis described in 2015 (crackdown on illegal immigration, intensifying climate swings, etc.).  That could impact all of us (’as goes California’…).  This is just one subtle validation of the dramatic shift expected to take hold as America’s third 80-Year Cycle culminates.  There are other ’seeds of change’ that confirm related 80-Year Cycles and portend dramatic changes in the ’20’s.  Stay tuned…   

Bonds & Notes have remained under pressure since selling off in lockstep with the most significant annual reversal period of the past 4 years (late-Aug./early-Sept.) – a time that has spurred sharp sell-offs during each year since 2015 (a ~360-degree ‘high-high-high’ cycle).

From a wave perspective, they experienced their largest sell-off of the year and their largest decline since the previous annual one in Sept. 2018 – fulfilling that 360-degree cycle but leaving them in a very uncertain period.

Bonds & Notes were unable to retest their highs during the latest weekly cycle, showing some increasing weakness (on a 1 – 3 month basis) and turning focus to higher magnitude cycles that portend a more significant bottom in Nov. ‘19.

That is when a ~13-month/56 – 60 week high (July ’16) – high (Sept. ’17) – low (Oct. ’18) – low (Nov. 2019Cycle Progression comes back into play.  Reinforcing that is a developing ~60-degree/2-month low-low-low Cycle Progression that recurs in mid-Nov. ’19 – honing this cycle outlook.

Over-arching that ~2-month cycle, Bonds have a ~4-month/~18-week high (07/18) – low (11/18) – low (03/19) – low (07/19) – low? (Nov. ’19Cycle Progression that would ideally be fulfilled on Nov. 11 – 18, 2019.  So, there is a strong potential for a higher magnitude low in mid-Nov.  This also has the chance to fulfill ongoing analysis for a multi-month low in late-2019/early-2020 followed by the next important cycle high in May – July ‘20.

Bonds have traced out a consistent 4-Year Cycle (since 1996) that timed more recent peaks in June/July ‘12 and July ‘16.  Prior to that, they set lows in June ‘08, May ‘04, May ‘00 (a secondary low after late-’99 events spurred a dramatic drop into Jan. ‘00) and June ‘96.  That creates a textbook, 4-year low-low-low-low-high-high-(high) Cycle Progression – next peaking in mid-’20.”

Bonds & Notes remain focused on mid-2020 (July ’20 = greatest synergy of cycles) for a major, multi-year peak… and corresponding low in interest rates.  They are reinforcing the likelihood for a pullback low in Nov 2019, followed by a final, wave 5 of V advance into a multi-year peak.  Longer-term cycles portend a ‘Global-Shaping Event’ (watch China) and Stock Market Panic in late-2019/early-2020 (see March 2019 INSIIDE Track for details)… likely spurring a final drop in interest rates.

2020/2021 represent final, culminating years of 40-Year & 80-Year Cycles – timing everything from War (watch late-2021 into late-2025), Climate (Drought Cycles peak in 2021/22 and transition to Deluge Cycles in 2022/23), Agriculture, Currency Wars… and even Interest Rates!

Refer to latest Weekly Re-Lay & INSIIDE Track publications for additional details and/or related trading strategies.