Oil Markets Fulfill Cycle Highs

Oil Markets Fulfill Cycle Highs
Drop to Dec. ’17 Lows Likely
Late-March = Next Cycle High

02/07/18 Weekly Re-Lay Alert:

Crude Oil, Unleaded Gas & Heating Oil have sold off since fulfilling upside extremes in price & time.  That should, at the very least, spur a drop back to the Dec. ’17 lows (particularly in the products) – where intermediate support appears.

Natural Gas is also fulfilling multi-month & multi-year cycles and setting a peak.  It has reversed lower and could decline into April/May 2018 [reserved for subscribers].”

Energy markets are confirming late-Jan. cycle highs and the likelihood for at least 1 – 2 months of consolidation.  A corresponding ~8-week cycle could produce the next important high in late-March.  In the interim, energy markets were/are expected to correct to their Dec. ’17 lows, where important support should be encountered.  Natural Gas fulfilled its upside price targets and is confirming the potential for a decline into 2Q 2018.

See Weekly Re-Lay & INSIIDE Track for additional analysis and/or trading strategies.