Stocks Fulfill April 23 – 27 Spike Low; May 21 – 23 = Next Cycle High.

Stocks Fulfill April 23 – 27 Spike Low; May 21 – 23 = Next Cycle High.

04/25/18 Weekly Re-Lay Alert:  Stock Indices remain in no-man’s-land, dropping sharply since peaking on April 17/18 and fulfilling intra-month uptrend signals while perpetuating a 24 – 25 trading-day low (Dec. 29) – low (Feb. 6) – high (Mar. 13) – high (April 17/18) Cycle Progression.  The next phase of that cycle is around May 21 – 23.

In most indexes, the April 17/18 peak came right by monthly 2nd Close Resistance (the level they would need to close above – on April 30 – to generate a monthly 2 Close Reversal higher).  Those levels should remain as key 2 – 4 week resistance.

Stock Indices turned their daily trends down on April 24 – validating that date as an important Decision Day…  Those daily trend reversals reinforced the likelihood for an intervening low on April 23 – 27 – when weekly cycles have been projecting one (since a daily trend reversal often occurs within 1 – 2 days of an initial low and bounce).

That was corroborated by equities spiking down to daily 21 MARC support and daily HLS levels (23,978/DJIA, 2616/ESM & 6442/NQM) – extreme downside targets on a short-term basis.

Once again, the weekly closing levels will be critical.  That pertains to the weekly 21 MACs and weekly trends… Until the Indexes turn their weekly trends & weekly 21 MARCs down, congestion remains in force.”

Stock indexes spiked down to multiple extreme downside targets – increasing the potential for a multi-week low on April 23 – 27.  This comes after the DJIA fulfilled projections for a sharp drop from late-Jan. into/through March 2018 (lowest daily AND weekly close was March 23, 2018) without turning its weekly trend down.  That is slowly increasing the potential for a rebound into the late-June/early-July monthly cycle high.

The Nasdaq is in the strongest technical position and is more likely to retest its all-time peak, leading into monthly cycle highs in June/July 2018.  That would be reinforced by a multi-week low taking hold by April 27.  See Weekly Re-Lay & INSIIDE Track for additional details.