Stocks Poised for Additional Spike High to Primary Price Targets; Jan. 17/18 is Next Key Cycle.

Stocks Poised for Additional Spike High to Primary Price Targets; Jan. 17/18 is Next Key Cycle.

01/12/19 Weekly Re-Lay – “Stock Indices extended their rallies sharply after fulfilling daily & weekly cycle lows in late-Dec. while reaching a critical 6 – 12 month downside target (22,100/DJIA).  They fulfilled projections for a rally into Jan. 7 – 11 and are now at a decision point.  If they pull back to begin the week, and do not turn their daily or intra-month trends down, equities would leave open the potential for another surge…

Stock Indices have fulfilled the primary 1 – 2 week expectation since bottoming on Dec. 26 and fulfilling converging daily & weekly cycle lows while reaching 2 – 3 month and 6 – 12 month downside price targets.

The Dec. 26 low fulfilled a 16 trading-day high (Oct. 17) – high (Nov. 8) – high (Dec. 3) – low (Dec. 26/27) Cycle Progression that could again exert its influence in the coming week IF a quick pullback is seen… In the interim, equities fulfilled a myriad of daily & weekly cycle expectations by rallying into Jan. 9 – 11.  There are still some weekly cycles that could produce a quick spike high…”

Stocks are fulfilling the outlook for a sharp rebound in the first half of January but could still reach 24,295 – 24,366/DJIA, 2637- 2646/ESH & 6752 – 6774/NQ before a 1 – 2 week top becomes more likely.  From a timing perspective, Jan. 17 – 18 is the next key cycle and should help determine what to expect leading into early-Feb.

All of this action is powerfully validating the 2019 outlook for stock markets and for key cycles coming up in the next few weeks AND in the next few months.  Could this outlook be clarifying what to expect from a geopolitical standpoint?  …In the same way that 2018 pinpointed watershed events??

Refer to latest Weekly Re-Lay & INSIIDE Track publications for additional details and/or related trading strategies.