Stocks Poised for Pullback Low in Coming Week; Mid-to-Late-July = Decisive Cycle Prior to Aug. ’19 Danger Period.

06/26/19 Weekly Re-Lay – Stock Indices rallied into cycle highs on June 20 – 24 and immediately reversed lower – initially fulfilling the 1 – 2 week & 2 – 4 week outlooks.  The Russell 2000 has already turned its daily trend down while the S+P 500 needs a daily close below 2914.5/ESU to do the same.  Most other indexes cannot do the same until June 28 or July 1, at the earliest (trigger points not yet determined).

That is intriguing since daily cycles argue for an initial sell-off into July 1 – 5.  Until those daily trends turn down, the prevailing uptrends need to be respected.”

Stocks casting shadows ahead to Aug. ‘19 for sharper decline.  40-Year Cycle & 4-Year Cycle project increasing trouble in/around Aug. ‘19… with a Aug. ’15-style sell-off likely!  Why is 3Q ’19 so dangerous?

Refer to latest Weekly Re-Lay & INSIIDE Track publications for additional details and/or related trading strategies.