‘Shaking Things Up’

‘Shaking Things Up’
April 2016 Earthquake Cycles…
March 20–April 20th = Unstable Period.

04/09/16 40-Year Cycle: Date of Aggression:

Natural Year Opening Range…
            March 20–April 20 ‘Aggressiveness’

          April 2016 – There are a few topics of discussion – involving annual cycles – that demand a review each year.  One of those involves DUPE (Date of Unifying Plans & Events).  Another involves the uncanny April/October (180-degree) sequence of earth disturbances, particularly in the Pacific Rim

On an astronomical calendar, the Vernal Equinox (March 20/21st) represents the beginning of Spring and the start of theNatural Year.  [Note:  In 2016, we experienced the earliest start to Spring since 1896 – another powerful validation to the 40-Year Cycle & its over-arching 120-Year Cycle.  It actually arrived late on March 19th, for those of us in the Central Time Zone.]

This first ‘month’ of the new Natural Year – from March 20/21st to April 19/20th – sets the tone for the remainder of theNatural Year to follow… just as the first month of the trading year reveals critical clues about the 11 months to follow…

April 19th holds great significance with regard to the natural year.  If one were to begin a calendar on the vernal equinox (start of Spring and the start of the ‘natural year’), the first month of that year would end on April 19/20th.  It is when the earth – in the N. Hemisphere – passes from seasonal ‘death’ to ‘life’…

The period between March 20/21 – April 19/20th marks a very important transition period in each year…it is a time to watch each year for signs of ‘change’.  In many ways, April 19th acts like a deadline for determining what to expect in the comingyear.  As such, the days immediately preceding (and sometimes following) it show the greatest amount of activity and volatility.

While the first few days or weeks – of the natural year – might unfold with little fanfare, there is often something smoldering beneath the surface.  Consequently, it bubbles to the surface as this deadline nears… and usually influences events for the rest of that natural year…

So, even though the natural year begins on March 20/21st, the most overt events – that will influence the rest of that natural year – often wait until April 19th… give or take 1-2 days.  It is the culmination of this decisive period…

Shaking Things Up…

In many ways, the month of April – or the period from March 20/21 – April 19/20represents various examples of instability – from a physical (earthquakes, etc.), financial and emotional (war, revolution, emancipation) perspective.

It is not surprising that one of the most notorious earthquakes in US history occurred at this time.  April 18, 1906 is the date of the San Francisco earthquake.”

The onset of the Natural Year & the impending Date of Aggression corroborate INSIIDE Track analysis from December ‘15–March ‘16, discussing projections for increasing earthquake activity in April & October 2016.  See complete 40-Year Cycle: Date of Aggression Report – and recent INSIIDE Tracks – for more extensive & comprehensive analysis.