Gold, Silver & Gold Stocks Poised for New Rally… in Fulfillment of Multi-Month & Multi-Year Cycles.  Feb. 13 – 14 Daily Cycle Lows Time Pullback Low.  

Gold, Silver & Gold Stocks Poised for New Rally… in Fulfillment of Multi-Month & Multi-Year Cycles.  Feb. 13 – 14 Daily Cycle Lows Time Pullback Low.

02/16/19 Weekly Re-Lay: “Gold & Silver fulfilled the potential for a brief pullback before a new rally…

Gold & Silver corrected into Feb. 13/14 – when daily & weekly cycles projected at least a 1 – 2 week bottom – and then rebounded.  Silver reversed its daily trend down – ushering in a reactive bounce (in line with those daily cycles) but signaling that a subsequent decline should take out recent lows.

Before examining that, it is important to review the larger-degree outlook, since Gold is entering a pivotal time with respect to weekly & monthly cycles.  When Gold peaked in late-Jan. 2018, that fulfilled a myriad of cycles including an 18 – 20 week cycle, a 27 – 29 week cycle and an overriding 55 – 59 week cycle.

As stated in early-2018, a peak in late-Jan. ’18 would fulfill an “18 – 20 week low-high-high-(high), 27 – 29 week high-low-low-low-low-(high) AND a 55 – 59 week low-low-low-(high) Cycle Progression“.

Those cycles have continued to guide expectations for Gold (and to a lesser extent, Silver, although the two often peak and bottom at divergent times) since early-2018…

The 18 – 20 week cycle created expectations for an intervening (lower) high in mid-June ’18 followed by a sharp sell-off.  That was validated & projected another intervening high in late-October, which was also fulfilled.

The 27 – 29 week cycle pinpointed the mid-August bottom (29 weeks after the late-Jan. ’18 peak) and turned focus to Feb. 18 – March 8, its next phase.

Gold could fulfill that cycle with a new high at any time.  Price action is the key!

On an over-arching basis, the 55 – 59 week low-low-low-(high) Cycle Progression projected the next multi-month peak for Feb. 11 – March 15, 2019… Gold has now entered a multi-week period when a multi-month high has been anticipated (since early-2018)…

Ideally, higher highs would be seen at some point between now and March 15.”

Gold, Silver and Gold/Silver Index (XAU) fulfilled cycle analysis for a pullback into Feb. 13/14 before a culminating rally into late-Feb./early-March.  They completed ‘a-b-c’ corrections, increasing the likelihood for a new rally in the coming week(s).  Dollar action and cycles are ushering in a small window of time when a Dollar sell-off could trigger an accelerated rally in Gold – the type of move that often completes an overall uptrend.

What Levels Could Gold Reach Before a 1 – 3 Month Peak?

Refer to latest Weekly Re-Lay & INSIIDE Track publications for additional details and/or related trading strategies.