Gold & Silver Trading; Daily & Intra-month Trends Remain Up and Could Spur XAU Spike to ~79.82 in March.  Weekly LHRs Project ‘b’ Wave Peaks Before Month-End; April 2019 Cycle Lows = Key!

Gold & Silver Trading; Daily & Intra-month Trends Remain Up and Could Spur XAU Spike to ~79.82 in March.  Weekly LHRs Project ‘b’ Wave Peaks Before Month-End; April 2019 Cycle Lows = Key!

03/20/19 Weekly Re-Lay Alert:  

The US Dollar is fulfilling the first few criteria needed to signal a multi-week and potentially 3 – 6 month peak.  Before elaborating on that, consider the following:

What Has Every Republican Administration (since 1984) Had in Common?

What Might be the Biggest Resolution to Current Trade Struggles?

What Could Spur the Next (and Potentially Biggest) 2019 Surge in Gold?

What Does a Consistent ~38-Month Cycle Portend for 2Q/3Q 2019??

What Could Be Signaled With Just One More Corroborating Weekly Close?

What Was Just Reaffirmed by a Unique 12-Week, 6-Week & 3-Week Cycle Web???

What Could Bring Many Commodities Back to Life?

If you answered ‘A weaker Dollar’ or ‘A weaker Dollar in the next 3 – 6 months’, you are correct…

Gold & Silver have rallied back to their recent highs, fulfilling their daily trends and setting the stage for a ‘b’ wave peak… Weekly & monthly cycles still project a multi-week Silver low in April 2019, so a late-March daily low – if it materializes on schedule – might only be part of a sequence of lows with some divergence between Gold & Silver likely.

If Silver perpetuates its 20 – 22 week high-high-high-high-low-(low) Cycle Progression, it should bottom on April 1 – 19, with April 8 – 12 providing the ideal week for a bottom.  A low on April 8 – 12 would also complete a 50% retracement in time (14 weeks up/7 weeks down) and a 5-week high-low-(low) Cycle Progression

On a 3 – 6 month basis, the late-Feb. highs were/are expected to hold for 1 – 2 months but ultimately give way to higher highs leading into June/July 2019.  The potential for a larger Dollar correction – taking hold in April – could corroborate that.

The XAU is also in congestion after dropping to its initial downside target, holding 2 – 4 week support and reversing higher.   It remains in a weekly & intra-year uptrend, after pulling back to test and hold its year-opening trading range (intra-year resistance turned into support) and its weekly trend neutral point.

On a short-term basis, the XAU would not turn its daily trend down until a daily close below 75.00.  Until that occurs, the 1 – 2 week trend is positive.”

Gold, Silver & XAU remain in ‘b’ wave rebounds as part of an overall ~2-month correction (from the multi-month highs projected for Feb. 19 – 22) that should ultimately give way to ‘c’ wave declines into cycle lows most synergistic on April 8 – 19.  Before resuming their sell-offs, the XAU could rally as high as 79.82/XAU in March before turning back down.  Weekly LHRs portend intermediate peaks before month-end.

What Could Trigger New Sell-off in Metals? 

Refer to latest Weekly Re-Lay & INSIIDE Track publications for additional details and/or related trading strategies.