Stocks Project Rally into Jan. 20 – 24 Peak & to ~29,300/DJIA & ~3340/ESH; Sharp Sell-off Should Follow!

01/11/20 Weekly Re-Lay: “Stock Indices repeated their month-opening pattern and signaled a new 1 – 2 week rally that could extend beyond mid-month and up to weekly extremes (and monthly resistance). A multi-month peak is expected after mid-Jan. and should lead to a quick, sharp sell-off into early-Feb. ’20… Stock Indices have rallied sharply since repeating the early-month patterns of […]

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Gold & XAU Signaling 1 – 2 Month Peaks; Pullback Should Precede Rally into March ’20.

01/08/20 Weekly Re-Lay Alert – The 90/10 Rule, Weekly & Monthly Extremes and Gold: “Gold & Silver surged into Jan. 6 – 10, perpetuating multiple weekly Cycle Progressions and setting the stage for an intermediate peak (see opening comments).  It would take daily closes below 1519.7/GCG & 17.83/SIH to turn the intra-month trends down and validate that scenario. 1 – […]

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Stocks Project Jan. 20 – 24 Peak & Subsequent Sell-off; Early-Jan. Lows Concur.

01/08/20 Weekly Re-Lay Alert: “Stock Indices repeated their ~30 & ~60-degree/day cycle pattern, spiking sharply lower in the opening days of the new month BUT not turning their intra-month or daily trends down.  Most indexes spiked down to rising daily 21 MACs and daily HLS levels before reversing higher. The Nasdaq 100 already turned its intra-month trend up but the […]

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Interest Rates: Bond Rally/Stock Panic Imminent; July ’20 = Bond Cycle Peak

01-06-20 – “Bonds & Notes initially fulfilled analysis for a multi-month bottom in Nov. ’19 – perpetuating a ~13-month/56 – 60 week high (July ’16) – high (Sept. ’17) – low (Oct. ’18) – low (Nov. ‘19) Cycle Progression.  The early-Nov. low also perpetuated a 17 – 18 week high (Jly. 2 – 6, ‘18) – low (Nov. 5 – 9, ‘18) – low (Mar. […]

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Gold Surge Reinforces 40-Year & 80-Year Cycles; Precede Iran Tensions.

01/04/20 INSIIDE Track: “Outlook 2020/2021  —  Gold, Waves, & 90/10 Rule Throughout 2018 – 2019, one of the primary topics of cyclic focus for late-2019 involved the Middle East & the 40-Year Cycle.  More specifically, it involved an ominous collision of cycles for Turkey, Iran and Saudi Arabia. Late-2019 was linked to events in late-1979 and portended – among other […]

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