Stock Cycles Aligning in late-Jan./early-Feb; Early-Dec. Cycle Lows Corroborate.

12/18/19 Weekly Re-Lay Alert: “Stock Indices remain in intermediate uptrends after experiencing sharp pullbacks in the opening days of December – testing and holding 2 – 4 week support while generating bullish daily trend signals.  That came at the same time that longer-term cycles were projecting a multi-month bottom in the Chinese equity indexes – giving some clues regarding trade […]

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Stock Uptrend Focused on late-Jan./early-Feb; Early-Dec. Lows Concur.

12/28/19 Weekly Re-Lay: “Stock Indices remain in overall uptrends, having rallied throughout December after experiencing quick, sharp pullbacks in the opening days of the month. The interesting aspect of the early-Dec. low – the latest in a series of intermediate lows at ~2-month intervals – is that it arrived at the same time longer-term cycles were projecting a multi-month bottom […]

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Gold, Silver & XAU Surge to Extremes; Usher in 1 – 2 Week Period for Culminating Peak. 90/10 Rule Could Trigger Biggest Surge in Jan. 2020.

12/28/19 Weekly Re-Lay: “Gold & Silver did see surges to weekly extreme levels… Looking out into 1Q ’20, the next multi-month cycle high is expected in ~March ’20 (the corresponding cycles project that peak for anywhere between late-Feb. and early-April ‘20 so more precise timing indicators will need to hone that as the coming weeks unfold). In many cases, Gold […]

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Stock Uptrend Focused on late-Jan./early-Feb; Early-Dec. Lows Concur.

12/21/19 Weekly Re-Lay: “Stock Indices remain in overall uptrends, having steadily rallied since fulfilling the potential for a 3 – 6 month bottom in late-Aug. ’19.  That low perpetuated an ~8-month cycle that has governed equities and projects focus to April ’20. That low (Apr. ’18) – low (Dec. ’18) – low (Aug. ’19) Cycle Progression could invert and time […]

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Gold Portends Future (Larger) Surge, Likely in Early-2020! 90/10 Rule Concurs. XAU Signals Likelihood for New 1 – 2 Week Rally.

12/21/19 Weekly Re-Lay: “Gold & Silver are rallying and could still see a quick surge to weekly extreme levels…  The next cycle high of similar magnitude is in ~March ‘20, when another multi-month peak is likely. In many cases, Gold sees its biggest surge in the weeks leading into a multi-month cycle high (90/10 Rule of Cycles, reinforced with the […]

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Gold Trading: Gold & Silver Portend Accelerated Surges; XAU Targeting Rally to New Multi-Year Highs! Watch Early-Jan. 2020.

12/19/19 INSIIDE Track Update: “Gold & Silver triggered new (short-term) buy signals following their Dec. 10 daily cycle lows and have the potential for an additional surge… This comes after Silver spiked to a new low last week – fulfilling its weekly trend pattern and the potential for a contrasting intermediate bottom on Dec. 9 – 13 – perpetuating a […]

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Silver Reinforcing Dec. 9 – 13 Cycle Low; Projecting Multi-Week Rally. Gold & XAU Portend New Surges (XAU Targets New Multi-Year Highs)!

12/18/19 Weekly Re-Lay: “Gold & Silver are maintaining the potential for an additional surge… This comes after Silver spiked to a new low last week – fulfilling its weekly trend pattern and the potential for a contrasting intermediate bottom on Dec. 9 – 13 – perpetuating a 28-week low-low-low-(low) and a 7-week high-high-(low) Cycle Progression. Several factors, including the daily […]

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Stock Cycles Converge; Early-Dec. Lows in US & China Stocks. What Now?

12/14/19 Weekly Re-Lay: “Stock Indices remain in intermediate uptrends after experiencing sharp pullbacks in early-Dec. – fulfilling a ~2-month cycle in which sharp sell-offs took hold in early-June, early-Aug. & early-Oct. during the first 2 – 3 trading days of the new month.  Equities repeated the pattern and twice neutralized their daily uptrends while selling off into Dec. 3. That […]

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Silver Perpetuates 7- & 28-Week Cycles; Sets Dec. 9 Low… Should Hold for 1 – 2 Months. Gold & XAU Validate Likely ‘5th’ Wave Advances; Early-Jan. = Key!

12/14/19 Weekly Re-Lay: “Gold & Silver are whipsawing with recent daily signals projecting a quick surge… The next cycle high of similar magnitude comes into play in ~March 2020, when the next multi-month peak is anticipated. In between, metals were projected to bounce into Dec. 2 – 13 – the latest phase of related ~7-week, ~13 – 14-week & ~27 […]

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