China Stocks Fulfill Early-Dec. Cycle Low; Multi-Month Bottom Likely.

12/11/19 Weekly Re-Lay Alert: “On a related basis, much of the market’s current action is closely linked to vacillating expectations regarding the US/China Trade War and the Dec. 15 deadline for new/increasing tariffs from the U.S.  Much speculation is that some form of last-minute deal will be struck to at least delay the implementation of this latest round of tariffs. […]

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Stock Index Trading; Focus on late-Jan./early-Feb. ’20.

12/11/19 Weekly Re-Lay Alert: “Stock Indices remain in intermediate uptrends after experiencing sharp pullbacks in the opening days of December.  Those sell-offs perpetuated a ~2-month (60-degree) cycle during which sharp declines took hold in early-June, early-Aug. & early-Oct. – each time unfolding during the first 2 – 3 trading days of the new month but never turning their intra-month trends […]

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Gold & XAU Reinforce Potential for ‘5th’ Wave Advances; Gold Could Surge into Early-Jan. as XAU Projects New Multi-Year Highs!

12/11/19 Weekly Re-Lay Alert – Cycle Fractals: 2-Month, 2-Year & 4-Year Parallels: “Fractals unfold in both timing and price indicators.  Before getting into this, it is probably helpful to reiterate the definition and application of ‘fractals’.  (A head of broccoli is often used as an illustration for this principle.) The Oct. 2017 INSIIDE Track delved into this when discussing the […]

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Gold & XAU Signal Higher Moves; Gold Could Surge into Early-Jan.; XAU Projects New Multi-Year Highs!

12/07/19 Weekly Re-Lay: “The next cycle high of similar magnitude (actually, one degree higher) comes into play in ~March 2020, when the next multi-month peak is anticipated. The unique aspect of recent price action is that Gold & Silver could also create intermediate lows in the coming week (Dec. 9 – 13) – perpetuating a 28-week low-low-low-(low) Cycle Progression in […]

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Gold & XAU Poised to Benefit From Dollar Sell Signals; Revealing New Strength… XAU Weekly Trend Projects New Multi-Year Highs!

12/05/19 INSIIDE Track Update: “The Dollar Index has sold off sharply since retesting its rebound high and spiking slightly higher on Nov. 29.  It has turned its daily trend down, increasing the likelihood that it is entering a larger-magnitude ‘c’ (or ‘3’) wave down. Once again, the DXY (cash Dollar Index) is providing the clearest signals, continuing the sequence of […]

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Gold & XAU Confirming Oct./Nov. ’19 Lows; Revealing New Strength… XAU Weekly Trend Projects New Multi-Year Highs!

12/04/19 Weekly Re-Lay Alert: “The Dollar Index has sold off sharply, after reversing lower in perfect sync with its daily and weekly trend patterns – both triggering related sell signals at the recent high.  It now needs a daily close below 97.35/DXH to turn both its daily and its intra-month trends down.  The inversely-correlated daily 21 MARC rallies for the […]

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Gold & Silver Reinforcing Outlook for 2020; Projected Rally into Dec. ’19 Unfolding… Two Pivotal Cycles in 2020 in Focus!

12/04/19 Weekly Re-Lay Alert: “Gold & Silver rallied to new rebound highs, initially fulfilling cycles that project a secondary peak on Dec. 2 – 13.  In the case of Gold, this rally could still extend into Dec. 9 – 13 – the latest phase of ~7 & ~14 & the midpoint of the latest ~28-week cycle. Corroborating that, the inversely-correlated […]

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2020 – 2021 Gold Outlook III: US Dollar Poised to Powerfully Impact Precious Metals; Nov. ’19 Dollar Sell Signal Corroborates…

12/02/19 INSIIDE Track: “The Dollar Index remains below its late-Sept./early-Oct. cycle peak and is signaling the onset of a ‘C’ wave decline.  It reversed its weekly trend down and projected a subsequent, multi-week reactive bounce.  That bounce just peaked in lockstep with multiple indicators. The Dollar Index reversed lower in perfect sync with its weekly trend pattern.  While rebounding, it […]

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Interest Rates: Bonds Project Rally into July ’20; ‘Stock Panic’ Imminent?

11-30-19 – “As the markets enter the final month of 2019, it is a good time to step back and view the forest for the trees.  The ‘forest’ can be viewed on multiple levels – with the primary emphases on the recurrence and convergence of the 40-Year, 70-Year & 80-Year Cycles in 2019 – 2022. That applies to the markets, to the Middle East, Europe and overall […]

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