Gold Surges to Weekly Extreme Target; ~7-Week Cycle Progression Portends New Sell-off.  Watch Daily Cycle Lows on April 17 – 18.

Gold Surges to Weekly Extreme Target; ~7-Week Cycle Progression Portends New Sell-off.  Watch Daily Cycle Lows on April 17 – 18. 04/11/19 INSIIDE Track Intra-Month Update:   Gold & Silver rallied precisely into daily & weekly cycles peaking on/around April 9/10 with Gold attacking its weekly LHR, the high of the year-opening range, and the monthly Raw SPR (all at […]

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Stock Trading: Stocks Focused on Cycle Highs in late-April/early-May ’19. Does That Corroborate 3Q ’19 Cycle Low?

Stock Trading: Stocks Focused on Cycle Highs in late-April/early-May ’19. Does That Corroborate 3Q ’19 Cycle Low? 04/10/19 Weekly Re-Lay Alert – “Stock Indices are mixed after rallying into early-April.  The DJIA & DJTA (and other indexes) pulled back into short-term cycles on April 10/11 with the DJIA twice neutralizing its daily uptrend but not yet turning its intra-month trend […]

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Gold & Silver Rally into April 10; ~7-Week Cycle Portends Imminent Peak.  New Decline Should Last into Daily Cycle Lows on April 17 – 18.

Gold & Silver Rally into April 10; ~7-Week Cycle Portends Imminent Peak.  New Decline Should Last into Daily Cycle Lows on April 17 – 18. 04/10/19 Weekly Re-Lay Alert:   The latest ‘anti-Dollar’ surge has come from Bitcoin and cryptocurrency, fulfilling a myriad of bottoming cycles, objectives and indicators in mid-Dec.  (see 12/14/18 The Bridge – Currency Wars & Cryptos) […]

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Gold & Silver Project Rally into April 10; Weekly Cycles Project Multi-Week Top at That Time.  Subsequent Drop Could/Should Last into Daily Cycle Lows on April 17 – 18.

Gold & Silver Project Rally into April 10; Weekly Cycles Project Multi-Week Top at That Time.  Subsequent Drop Could/Should Last into Daily Cycle Lows on April 17 – 18. 04/06/19 Weekly Re-Lay:   Gold & Silver spiked to new recent lows and below their March 7 lows while testing and holding their daily HLS levels and Gold’s intra-year trend support […]

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Gold & Silver Trading: Will Dollar Turn Down After Metals Bottom?  Watch Daily Cycle Lows on April 17 – 18.

Gold & Silver Trading: Will Dollar Turn Down After Metals Bottom?  Watch Daily Cycle Lows on April 17 – 18. 04/03/19 Weekly Re-Lay Alert:   Since Dec. ’18, the Dollar Index has maintained some similarities to equity indexes between Jan. & Sept. ’18.  The primary parallel has to do with how that index (DX) has remained resilient and near its […]

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Gold & Silver ‘c’ Wave Declines Coincide with Palladium Reversal; 2 – 3 Week Projected Drops Underway!  April 8 – 12 & April 15 – 19 = Pivotal.

Gold & Silver ‘c’ Wave Declines Coincide with Palladium Reversal; 2 – 3 Week Projected Drops Underway!  April 8 – 12 & April 15 – 19 = Pivotal. 03/30/19 Weekly Re-Lay:   Gold & Silver are validating the potential for another sell-off after fulfilling analysis for a secondary high.  In another example of the roller coaster analogy, those secondary highs […]

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Stock Trading: Stocks Resuming Uptrends; Reinforcing Outlook for Overall Rally into late-April/early-May ’19.  What Then?

Stock Trading: Stocks Resuming Uptrends; Reinforcing Outlook for Overall Rally into late-April/early-May ’19.  What Then? 03/29/19 INSIIDE Track – “Stock indexes remain strong, on a 2 – 3 month basis, and have nearly extended their advances into early-April – one of the two key cycle peaks in 2Q 2019.  While many indexes continue to project an overall advance into May […]

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Silver – The ‘Weaker Sister’; Weekly Trend & Monthly 2CR Sell Signals Project Likely Drop to Nov. ‘18 Lows.

Silver – The ‘Weaker Sister’; Weekly Trend & Monthly 2CR Sell Signals Project Likely Drop to Nov. ‘18 Lows. 03/29/19 INSIIDE Track:  Gold & Silver surged into Feb. 19 – 22, fulfilling a myriad of weekly & monthly cycles while attacking decisive (extreme) resistance levels and upside targets.  They fulfilled most or all of what was expected from this initial 3 – 6 […]

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Corn Cycles Coincide with Solar Cycles; Project Future Surge in 2020 – 2022!

03-29-19 – “Soybeans, Corn & Wheat did see additional selling into March… some of which has continued.  All are in intra-year downtrends with only Wheat showing some signs of stabilizing.  Daily & weekly indicators will have to signal if/when a bottom is taking hold.  Until then, some cycle context is necessary. On a 1 – 2 year basis, Corn has one of the most consistent cycles […]

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Chinese Stocks;  Shanghai Composite Fulfilling Rebound into April 2019… What Next?

Chinese Stocks;  Shanghai Composite Fulfilling Rebound into April 2019… What Next? 03/28/19 INSIIDE Track:  “China’s Shanghai Composite remains in an overall downtrend (from the mid-2015 peak)  but is neutral on a 6 – 12 month and 1 – 2 year basis.  It has rallied sharply from its early-Jan. low, regaining about .618 of what it lost during its 2018 decline.  […]

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