Silver Cycles – The ‘Weaker Sister’; Weekly Trend Signal & Monthly 2CR Sell Signal Projected Sharp Drop… Likely Plunge to Nov. ‘18 Lows.   

Silver Cycles – The ‘Weaker Sister’; Weekly Trend Signal & Monthly 2CR Sell Signal Projected Sharp Drop… Likely Plunge to Nov. ‘18 Lows. 03/05/19 INSIIDE Track Intra-Month Update:  Gold & Silver peaked on Feb. 20, fulfilling a myriad of related cycles (55 – 59 week, 27 – 29 week, 13 – 14 week & 6 – 7 week), the largest of which have […]

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Gold & Silver Confirm Feb. 20 Projected Peak; Portend Overall Correction into April 2019 & Down to (at least) ~1270/GC.  When is Bottom Likely??

Gold & Silver Confirm Feb. 20 Projected Peak; Portend Overall Correction into April 2019 & Down to (at least) ~1270/GC.  When is Bottom Likely?? 03/05/19 INSIIDE Track Intra-Month Update:   Gold & Silver peaked on Feb. 20, fulfilling a myriad of related cycles (55 – 59 week, 27 – 29 week, 13 – 14 week & 6 – 7 week), […]

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Silver Cycles – The ‘Weaker Sister’; Monthly 2CR & Daily Sell Signals Reinforce Weekly Trend Signal Projecting Likely Plunge to Nov. ‘18 Lows.

Silver Cycles – The ‘Weaker Sister’; Monthly 2CR & Daily Sell Signals Reinforce Weekly Trend Signal Projecting Likely Plunge to Nov. ‘18 Lows. 03/02/19 Weekly Re-Lay:  Gold & Silver powerfully validated the long-awaited cycle convergence when a multi-month peak was expected.  They should see additional downside in March… Gold & Silver peaked on Feb. 20, fulfilling a myriad of related cycles (55 – 59 […]

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Gold & Silver Fulfill Myriad of Cycles & Price Targets on Feb. 20; Project Overall Correction into April 2019.  Primary Downside Gold Target = ~1270/GC.  

Gold & Silver Fulfill Myriad of Cycles & Price Targets on Feb. 20; Project Overall Correction into April 2019.  Primary Downside Gold Target = ~1270/GC. 03/02/19 Weekly Re-Lay:   Gold & Silver powerfully validated the long-awaited cycle convergence when a multi-month peak was expected.  They should see additional downside in March… Gold & Silver peaked on Feb. 20, fulfilling a […]

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China & Trade War;  Shanghai Composite Projects Rebound into April 2019… What Then?

China & Trade War;  Shanghai Composite Projects Rebound into April 2019… What Then? 02/28/19 INSIIDE Track:  “China’s Shanghai Composite remains in an overall downtrend (from the mid-2015 peak) that could stretch into June/July 2020 – when multi-year cycles converge.  It fulfilled 2018 analysis for a year-long decline and could stretch a rebound peak into April/May 2019. In the interim, an […]

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Silver Cycles – The ‘Weaker Sister’; Monthly 2CR Sell Signal Corroborating Weekly Trend Signal… Projects Potential Plunge to Nov. ‘18 Lows.

Silver Cycles – The ‘Weaker Sister’; Monthly 2CR Sell Signal Corroborating Weekly Trend Signal… Projects Potential Plunge to Nov. ‘18 Lows. 02/28/19 INSIIDE Track:  Gold & Silver provided a textbook setup for a multi-month peak, leading into decisive cycle highs on Feb. 19 – 22.  They fulfilled most or all of what had been expected from this initial 3 – 6 month uptrend […]

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Gold & Silver Trading:  Feb. 20 = ‘Textbook Setup’ for Multi-Month Peak.  Correction into Mid-April Likely!

Gold & Silver Trading:  Feb. 20 = ‘Textbook Setup’ for Multi-Month Peak.  Correction into Mid-April Likely! 02/28/19 INSIIDE Track:   Gold & Silver provided a textbook setup for a multi-month peak, leading into decisive cycle highs on Feb. 19 – 22.  They fulfilled most or all of what had been expected from this initial 3 – 6 month uptrend and […]

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Solar Cycle Poised for Major Shift; Roaring or Raging ‘20’s Ahead?

02/27/19 INSIIDE Track: “Outlook 2019 – The ~11-Year Cycle  02-27-19 – The Sun has at least three intriguing cycles that repeatedly emerge in the markets, in geopolitics, in military conflict, and in most aspects of life.  The biggest (of these three, although there are also longer-term cycles as well) is the ~40-Year Cycle of the Great Conveyor Belt of the Sun. To summarize […]

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