NQ-100 Confirming Strength & May 23 Buy Signal.

NQ-100 Confirming Strength & May 23 Buy Signal. 05/26/18 Weekly Re-Lay:  Stock Indices have consolidated since fulfilling their latest rally expectations.  The Nasdaq 100 remains in the most positive structure and could see a new spike high in the coming week and an ultimate retest of its intra-year high… Stock Indices remain in congestion with the next multi-month peak expected […]

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NQ-100 Buy Signal Projects Surge to ~7250/NQ & ~25,300/DJIA.

NQ-100 Buy Signal Projects Surge to ~7250/NQ & ~25,300/DJIA. 05/23/18 Weekly Re-Lay Alert:  Stock Indices remain in intra-month uptrends and in daily uptrends, after pulling back and twice neutralizing those daily trends… but not turning them down.  That projects a retest of recent highs. The weekly trend patterns continue to portend congestion – turning from up to neutral (multiple times) […]

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Soybeans Bearish into Late-July; Corn & Wheat Diverging.

Soybeans Bearish into Late-July; Corn & Wheat Diverging. 05/19/18 Weekly Re-Lay: “Soybeans, Corn & Wheat are mixed with Corn & Wheat attempting to resume their advances.  In contrast, Soybeans declined further, after reversing their weekly trend down & closing below the weekly 21 Low MAC, nearing their intra-year low (intra-year trend support) at 980.0/SN and their weekly 21 Low MARC […]

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Energy Complex Poised for Final Spike High… Then Sell-off into June.

Energy Complex Poised for Final Spike High… Then Sell-off into June. 05/19/18 Weekly Re-Lay: “Energy markets could correct into early-June… Crude Oil, Unleaded Gas & Heating Oil surged into cycles that portend an intermediate peak – ideally on May 14 – 18.  Crude could still spike as high as 73.00/CLM while the products have already reached their primary upside targets. […]

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