Gold & Silver Fulfilling Downside

Gold & Silver Fulfilling Downside; Gold Stocks (XAU) Remain Weakest… Sharp Drop into March 5 – 9 Projected. 02/07/18 Weekly Re-Lay Alert: “Gold & Silver have dropped sharply after Gold reached its ~2-month upside target (1365.8/GCG, 1370.0/GCJ) & Silver turned its weekly 21 MAC down on Jan. 25 – 26.  That was expected to trigger a 1 – 3 week […]

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Oil Markets Fulfill Cycle Highs

Oil Markets Fulfill Cycle Highs Drop to Dec. ’17 Lows Likely Late-March = Next Cycle High 02/07/18 Weekly Re-Lay Alert: “Crude Oil, Unleaded Gas & Heating Oil have sold off since fulfilling upside extremes in price & time.  That should, at the very least, spur a drop back to the Dec. ’17 lows (particularly in the products) – where intermediate […]

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Silver Confirming Jan. 26 Sell Signal

Silver Confirming Jan. 26 Sell Signal; Gold Stocks Reinforce Underlying Weakness… Sharp Drop into March 5 – 9 Likely. 02/03/18 Weekly Re-Lay: “Gold, Silver & the XAU validated the outlook for a multi-week corrective phase.  Energy markets are also nearing a critical peak… Gold & Silver reversed lower immediately after Gold reached its ~2-month upside target (1365.8/GCG, 1370.0/GCJ) & Silver […]

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Crude Confirming Peak

Crude Confirming Peak Late-March = Next Cycle High Drop to 2 – 3 Month Support Likely. 02/03/18 Weekly Re-Lay: “Crude Oil, Unleaded Gas & Heating Oil surged into the final stage of bullish cycles while completing projected rallies from mid-July & early-Oct. – both of which were forecast to ultimately accelerate higher into Jan. 2018, when monthly & yearly cycles […]

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Stocks Confirming Peak…

Stocks Confirming Peak… 90/10 Rule in Effect; Projects February Sharp Sell-off. 02/03/18 Weekly Re-Lay: Stock Indices reversed lower – validating the culmination of 5-month & 10-month low-low-low-low-(high) Cycle Progressions that projected a multi-month peak in mid-Jan. – mid-Feb. 2018.  They have produced the first signs of a February reversal lower that should ultimately lead to an initial low in March […]

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Gold, Silver & XAU Fulfill ~2-Month Targets

Gold, Silver & XAU Fulfill ~2-Month Targets; Validate Late-Jan. Cycle Peak… Set Stage for Sharp XAU Sell-off. 01/31/18 Weekly Re-Lay Alert: “Gold & Silver have pulled back – with Gold twice neutralizing its daily uptrend – after both metals surged into late-Jan. and fulfilled upside objectives in time & price with Gold attacking its 1 – 2 month upside objective […]

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Stocks Signaling Peak II…

Stocks Signaling Peak II… Daily Trends Need to Confirm Feb.1/2 = Decisive Time! 01/31/18 Weekly Re-Lay Alert:  Stock Indices are showing signs of a near-term peak with the DJIA & ESH neutralizing their prevailing daily uptrends after fulfilling much of the 5-month AND 10-month low-low-low-low-(high) Cycle Progressions that project a multi-month peak between mid-Jan. – mid-Feb. 2018. However, they need […]

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Stocks Signaling Peak III…

Stocks Signaling Peak III… Completing Cycle Progressions; Feb. ’18 Ushers in Reversal Period. 01/31/18 INSIIDE Track:  Equity markets advanced throughout 2017, accelerating higher after mid-Nov.  Since 2016, they have been tracing out a ‘5’ wave advance that could peak at this time (mid-Jan. – mid-Feb. ‘18) – the culmination of 5-month & 10-month Cycle Progressions.  A vulnerable period surrounds March […]

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