Stocks Nearing Multiple Cycle Peak

Stocks Nearing Multiple Cycle Peak; 5- & 10-Month Cycles Converge Mid-Jan. – Mid-Feb. 2018 = Likely High. 01/05/18 INSIIDE Track:  As many Equity markets advanced throughout 2017, stretching multi-year cycles to their extremes.  Since their Nov. ‘16 breakout higher, they have been tracing out a ‘5’ wave advance that entered an accelerated phase after a vulnerable period lapsed in Nov. […]

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Gold & Silver Surge into Early-Jan

Gold & Silver Surge into Early-Jan; 3 – 5 Day Pullback Could Precede New Surge. XAU Remains on Course to Reach ~93.00! 01/03/18 Weekly Re-Lay Alert – Gold & Oil Set 2018 on Intriguing (Initial) Course: “Gold & Silver have surged after dropping into the first half of Dec. and fulfilling multiple (yearly, monthly & weekly) cycle lows. They have […]

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Crude & Oil Markets Remain Bullish.

Crude & Oil Markets Remain Bullish. Upside Targets Remain Higher… Peak Expected in Jan. ’18! 01/03/18 Weekly Re-Lay Alert: “Crude Oil, Unleaded Gas & Heating Oil have resumed their uptrends, reinforcing expectations for energy markets to rally into monthly & yearly cycles converging in Jan. 2018. Crude is surging toward the convergence of 1 – 2 week, 1 – 2 […]

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Oil Markets Bullish into Jan. 2018

Oil Markets Bullish into Jan. 2018 Multi-Month Rallies Accelerating… Decisive Peak Likely in Jan. ’18! 12/30/17 Weekly Re-Lay: “Crude Oil, Unleaded Gas & Heating Oil have resumed their uptrends, reinforcing expectations for Energy markets to rally into monthly & yearly cycles converging in Jan. 2018. That has been discussed since July 2017 and was elaborated on Aug.30, 2017 in the […]

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Gold & Silver Reinforce New Strength

Gold & Silver Reinforce New Strength; Projected Surge into Feb. 2018 Underway! XAU Focused on Synergistic Targets. 12/27/17 Weekly Re-Lay Alert – XAU Leading ‘Shift’; Is Larger Advance Likely?: “A small shift took place in the ‘currency’ arena, as 2017’s ‘anti-Dollar’ leader (Bitcoin) took a breather while Gold & Silver showed signs of coming back to life.  The patient veteran […]

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Dollar Outlook Corroborates Energy Analysis;

Dollar Outlook Corroborates Energy Analysis; Projected Gold Surge Reinforces Oil… Advance into January 2018 Likely!   12/27/17 Weekly Re-Lay Alert – XAU Leading ‘Shift’; Is Larger Advance Likely?:   “A small shift took place in the ‘currency’ arena, as 2017’s ‘anti-Dollar’ leader (Bitcoin) took a breather while Gold & Silver showed signs of coming back to life.  The patient veteran […]

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European & Middle East Cycles Concur

European & Middle East Cycles Concur; Late-2017 = Troubling Time… Oil Projects Advance into Jan. ’18.   10/25/17 Weekly Re-Lay Alert – Big Picture Inflection Point:   “As the 4th Quarter of 2017 begins to unfold, it signals the end of the beginning, or the beginning of the end, of major cycle transitions.  Though this will be addressed in greater […]

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Gold & Silver Poised to Trigger Confirming Signal

Gold & Silver Poised to Trigger Confirming Signal; Overall Surge into Feb. 2018 Expected! XAU (Gold Stocks) Could Reach Extreme Levels.   12/23/17 Weekly Re-Lay: “Gold & Silver have initially bottomed after dropping into the first half of Dec. – the same time that Gold bottomed in 2015 & 2016, perpetuating an annual/360-degree cycle. That potential was/is reinforced by diverse […]

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Oil Markets Bullish into Jan. 2018

Oil Markets Bullish into Jan. 2018 Daily Trend Pattern Projects New Rally… Natural Gas Attacking Major Support!   12/23/17 Weekly Re-Lay:   “Crude Oil, Unleaded Gas & Heating Oil remain in congestion near their highs with Crude unable to signal more than a 2 – 4 week high.  As a result, Crude could accompany Heating Oil (and possibly Unleaded Gas) […]

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