Gold & Silver Reinforce 2017 Outlook

Gold & Silver Reinforce 2017 Outlook; Oct. Low Could Trigger Next Phase… 4Q 2017 = Momentous Period!   09/29/17 INSIIDE Track:   Gold & Silver extended their latest intermediate advances by 1 – 2 weeks, prompting an alteration to the outlook for September while reinforcing the overall outlook for 2017 and for 4Q 2017.  They already fulfilled the intra-year outlook […]

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Gold Adhering to ‘Fractal’ Outlook

Gold Adhering to ‘Fractal’ Outlook; 4Q ’17 Ushers in Dynamic Phase. Early-Oct. Action Holds Key.   09/28/17 INSIIDE Track:   “Outlook 2017-2018 – Fractals      09-28-17 – ‘The whole is greater than the sum of its parts’, so astutely observed Aristotle. That simple statement sums up the principle of synergy – describing the combined effect of multiple collaborative factors or […]

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Gold Stocks Reinforce Outlook

Gold Stocks Reinforce Outlook; Oct. 2 – 6 = Decisive Week… Secondary Low Likely in Gold & Silver.   09/27/17 Weekly Re-Lay Alert – Dollar Deflating Gold & Silver:   “Gold & Silver have dropped sharply, confirming multiple 1 – 3 month (or larger) factors that pinpointed early-Sept. for a multi-week – and possibly a multi-month – high in Silver […]

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Gold Stocks Fulfill Downside

Gold Stocks Fulfill Downside; Consolidation Expected… Gold & Silver Have More Downside.   09/23/17 Weekly Re-Lay:   “Gold & Silver have dropped sharply, confirming multiple 1 – 3 month (or larger) factors pinpointing early-Sept. for a multi-week – and possibly a multi-month – high in Silver (by Sept. 7).  That was corroborated by Silver’s weekly 21 MAC, which remained in […]

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Gold & Silver Reinforce Targets

Gold & Silver Reinforce Targets; Drop into Early-Oct. on Track… Weekly Trends Focus on Oct. 6!   09/20/17 Weekly Re-Lay Alert – Gold & Silver Deflate as Dollar Stabilizes:   “Gold & Silver have dropped sharply, testing & breaking their weekly HLS levels last week as both turned their daily & intra-month trends down.  This action validates multiple 1 – […]

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Gold & Silver Confirming Peak

Gold & Silver Confirming Peak; Multi-Week Drop Projected… Early-Oct. = Pivotal Cycle Low.   09/16/17 Weekly Re-Lay:   “Gold & Silver reversed lower and dropped sharply, testing & breaking their weekly HLS levels as Gold turned its daily trend down and Silver twice neutralized its daily uptrend.  It would take a daily close below 17.630/GCZ to turn the daily trend […]

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Gold & Silver Reach Extremes; Drop Imminent

Gold & Silver Reach Extremes; Drop Imminent; Sharp Multi-Week Decline Likely… Sept. 11 – 22 is Precarious Period for Metals.   09/09/17 Weekly Re-Lay:   “Gold & Silver followed through higher after surging to extreme upside weekly & monthly targets.  A top appears imminent…On a larger-scale basis (3 – 6 months, 6 – 12 months and even 1 – 2 […]

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Gold Stocks (XAU) Stretch to Extreme

Gold Stocks (XAU) Stretch to Extreme; Remain Below Feb. ’17 Peak… Poised for New Sharp Decline.   09/09/17 Weekly Re-Lay:   “The XAU has closed above its April high but remains in the 1 – 3 week time period – after attacking the combination of weekly LHRs (90.66–91.08) – when an intermediate high is most likely to take hold…As a […]

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