Gold, Silver & XAU Fulfill July 10th Cycle Low

Gold, Silver & XAU Fulfill July 10th Cycle Low; Reach Extremes & Monthly Support… Rebound to […] Likely; See Publications. 07/12/17 Weekly Re-Lay:   “Gold & Silver fulfilled their latest expectation, setting a spike low on July 10th, the latest phase of a ~2-month/60-degreee low (March 10)–low (May 9)–low Cycle Progression.  That low also perpetuated a 17–19 day high-high-high-(low) Cycle […]

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Dollar, Euro & Yen Fulfilling Cycles

Dollar, Euro & Yen Fulfilling Cycles; Bitcoin/Ethereum Heading Lower… ‘2nd Shoe’ Dropping w/July ’17 Cycles. 07/12/17 Weekly Re-Lay Alert:   “The 2017 Midpoint (mid-June–mid-July period) has ushered in several dramatic reversals, validating expectations for the second half of 2017.  One of those reversals took hold in cryptocurrency, peaking in precise lockstep with daily & weekly cycles that projected a multi-month […]

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Gold, Silver & XAU Completing Drop

Gold, Silver & XAU Completing Drop; Reach Extremes; July 10th Low Projected… Rebound Could Reach Key Levels. 07/08/17 Weekly Re-Lay: “Gold & Silver did resume their declines on July 3rd and plummeted to new multi-week lows with Silver dropping to new intra-year lows – in what could be an overall decline back to its late-2015 bottom (see July 2017 INSIIDE […]

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Dollar Remains Weak; Euro Strong

Dollar Remains Weak; Euro Strong; Yen Poised for July 10th Low. Bitcoin/Ethereum: ‘2nd Shoe’ Dropping. 07/08/17 Weekly Re-Lay:   “The Dollar Index is consolidating after dropping into mid-year & completing a ~180-degree/6-month decline from its early-Jan. peak.  It neutralized its daily downtrend multiple times but needs a daily close above 96.08/DXU to reverse that trend to up.  Until that occurs, […]

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Dollar Could Drop into July 14th

Dollar Could Drop into July 14th; Yen Drop into July 10th Likely. Bitcoin/Ethereum ‘2nd Shoe’ to Drop… 07/01/17 Weekly Re-Lay:   “The Dollar Index failed to follow-through higher this week after turning its intermediate trend neutral. That allowed this decline to extend & exceed the duration of the two previous declines.  This also has stretched the Dollar’s decline to where […]

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Gold, Silver & XAU Remain Negative

Gold, Silver & XAU Remain Negative; Drop into July 10th Projected… Late-June/early-July = Precarious! 07/01/17 Weekly Re-Lay:   “Gold & Silver continue to accelerate their daily swings, fulfilling cycles projecting a low on June 20th and subsequent high on June 23/26.  They then spiked to new lows and attempted to bounce.  These cycles again turn negative in the coming days. […]

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DJIA & S+P 500 Near 1–2 Year Targets

DJIA & S+P 500 Near 1–2 Year Targets; 21,616–22,030/DJIA & 2465–2531/SPX in Focus. Decennial Cycle Portends July–Nov. Sell-off. 06/30/17 INSIIDE Track:           06-29-17 – Stock Indices remain positive, but continue to show subtle signs of topping as they  complete a 17-Year Cycle from the 2000 peak and prepare to enter the dangerous period of the Decennial Cycle (in July–Oct. 2017).  […]

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Euro Stoxx 50 Reinforcing Decennial Cycle

Euro Stoxx 50 Reinforcing Decennial Cycle; July–Nov. 2017 Decline More Likely… German (DAX) & French (CAC) Indices Concur. 06/29/17 INSIIDE Track: Global Indices             06/29/17 – China’s Shanghai Composite turned its daily trend up and inverted near-term cycles – creating an initial high on June 9th and projecting a subsequent, intermediate high for early-July.  A peak at that time would […]

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Dollar Nears Wave Target After Failure

Dollar Nears Wave Target After Failure; Bitcoin/Ethereum Prepare for Next Drop… Brief Bounce Should Trigger New Wave Down.   06/28/17 Weekly Re-Lay Alert: “The Dollar Index failed to follow-through higher after turning its intermediate trend from down to neutral. That has allowed this decline to extend & exceed the duration of the two previous declines while nearly completing a 180-degree/6-month […]

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Equity Markets At 2017 Midpoint (June/July)

Equity Markets At 2017 Midpoint (June/July)… Decennial Cycle Projects July–Nov. Decline. Upside Targets in Sight; Watch late-July. 06/28/17 INSIIDE Track:             Outlook 2017-2018 Decennial Danger Period           06-28-17 – Picking up on last month’s discussion on midpoints, we have now arrived at the precise midpoint of 2017 – a pivotal time when reversals are more likely.  In most cases, the […]

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