Gold, Silver & XAU Prepare for Reversal

Gold, Silver & XAU Prepare for Reversal; June 26th Poised for Rebound Peak… Late-June/early-July = Precarious! 06/24/17 Weekly Re-Lay:   “Gold & Silver did complete their latest sell-off – or at least the latest phase of their sell-off – after attacking weekly HLSlevels last week and setting the stage for a spike low & rebound this past week.  In doing […]

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Dollar & Euro Confirm Cycles

Dollar & Euro Confirm Cycles; Gold & Silver Concur; Watch Cryptocurrency… June 23/26th Ushers in Vulnerable Period 06/21/17 Weekly Re-Lay Alert:   “The Dollar Index has turned neutral (from down) after spiking to new intra-year lows during the 23rd week of its latest decline… The first two signs of a multi-week low have unfolded, with the Dollar Index turning its […]

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Dollar & Euro Reverse Daily Trends

Dollar & Euro Reverse Daily Trends; Reinforce 2-3 Month Outlook; Cryptocurrency (Bitcoin, Ethereum) Vulnerable! 06/19/17 INSIIDE Track Intra-month Update:   “The Dollar Index is turning neutral after spiking to new intra-year lows during the 23rd week of this decline – fulfilling a significant wave relationship objective.  That low produced the 3rd of 3 successive declines – since March 2015 – […]

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Dollar Validates June 5-9 Cycle Low

Dollar Validates June 5-9 Cycle Low; Euro Poised to Confirm Top; Bitcoin & Ethereum = Bearish! 06/17/17 Weekly Re-Lay:   “The Dollar Index is turning neutral after spiking to new intra-year lows during the 23rd week of this decline – fulfilling a significant wave relationship objective.  That low produced the 3rd of 3 successive declines – since March 2015 – […]

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Bitcoin Validates June 5–11th Cycle High…

Bitcoin Validates June 5–11th Cycle High… Reaches Multiple Targets & Holds; Confirms Potential for Sharp Drop. 06/14/17 Weekly Re-Lay Alert – “The Dollar’s ‘Crypto-nite’?  Or Vice-Versa??”:   “The (inverse) correlation between the Dollar & cryptocurrency is becoming more & more intriguing as both/all of them pass through some decisive intermediate cycles… and attack multi-month targets.  From a cyclic basis, Bitcoin […]

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Dollar Bottoming at Cycle Low

Dollar Bottoming at Cycle Low… Bitcoin Poised for Sharp Pullback; Euro Vulnerable as Well. 06/12/17 INSIIDE Track Intra-month Update: “The Dollar Index remains negative but spiked to new intra-year lows during the 22nd week of this decline – fulfilling a significant wave relationship projection.  That low completed the 3rd of 3 successive declines – since March 2015 – each with […]

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Dollar Fulfills Wave Objectives…

Dollar Fulfills Wave Objectives… Poised for Multi-Month Low; Bitcoin Correlation Growing. 06/10/17 Weekly Re-Lay:   The Dollar Index remains negative but spiked to new intra-year lows during the 22nd week of this decline – fulfilling a significant wave relationship projection.  That low completed the 3rd of 3 successive declines – since March 2015 – each with almost identical duration (22–23 […]

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Dollar Impacting Bitcoin

Dollar Impacting Bitcoin… Multi-Month Reversals Imminent; June 5–9th (-11th) Cycles Prevail. 06/07/17 Weekly Re-Lay Alert – “The Dollar’s Wide-Ranging Impact (Bitcoin?)”: “The Dollar Index remains negative and spiked to new intra-year lows during the 22nd week of this decline.  A low in the current (or next) week would complete 3 successive declines – since March 2015 – of almost identical […]

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Gold Reaches Trend Objective

Gold Reaches Trend Objective… June 5–9th Cycle High Unfolding; Drop into June 16–20th Should Follow. 06/07/17 Weekly Re-Lay Alert – “The Dollar’s Wide-Ranging Impact (Bitcoin?)”:   “Gold has just fulfilled its weekly trend pattern, rallying back to its highs…1–4 week traders could be long August Comex Gold futures at 1262 down to 1256.2/GCQ & holding these w/avg. open gains of […]

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Gold Headed for ~1300.0/GCQ…

Gold Headed for ~1300.0/GCQ… Top & Reversal Likely June 5–9th. June 8/9th thru 16–20th Drop Expected. 06/05/17 INSIIDE Track Intra-month Update:   “Gold & Silver remain strong after setting another higher low on May 8–12th, during the latest phase of a 20-week high-low-(low) Cycle Progression in Silver (related to the 19-week cycle in XAU).  That low should hold for several […]

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