Silver Retests 18.50 Resistance

Silver Retests 18.50 Resistance. Initial 1–2 Week Drop Unfolding… Gold Projects March 7–9th Low. 03/08/17 Weekly Re-Lay Alert – Gold & Silver Join/Validate Gold Stocks:   “Gold & Silver have sold off sharply after Silver was able to stretch its advance into March 1st, setting its highest daily close on that day.  In doing so, Silver spiked above 18.500/SIK – perpetuating the 2.50 point trading ranges that […]

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Stocks Reinforce Upside Objectives

Stocks Reinforce Upside Objectives. 21,616–22,030/DJIA = 2017 Price Target. March/April 2017 = Initial Downturn? 02/28/17 INSIIDE Track:           02-28-17 – Stock Indices remain strong as they near the culmination – and transition – of a 17-Year Cycle, poised to peak in 1Q 2017.  If it is a precise 17-Year Cycle, that peak would take place in March 2017 – exactly […]

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Gold Stocks Losing Ground

Gold Stocks Losing Ground. 2017 Low Expected on ???? Gold & Silver Prepare to Peak. 02/28/17 INSIIDE Track:   “02/28/17 – Gold & Silver have rallied since fulfilling analysis for a sharp drop into late-2016 (following an initial surge into mid-2016) – the ‘1’ & ‘2’ wave of what is expected to be a multi-year advance, linked to weekly, monthly, yearly & multi-decade cycles.  The monthly […]

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Middle East Cycles Impact Oil.

Middle East Cycles Impact Oil. Sept. ’17 Ushers in Bullish Cycles… …For Crude & Middle East Tension!   02/27/17 – The Natural Year There is a natural connection to this aggressive period since it coincides with the start of the Natural Year on the vernal equinox.  That is when  all of the Northern Hemisphere is coming back to life and […]

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Saudi Arabia’s 11-Year Cycle…

Saudi Arabia’s 11-Year Cycle… Focus on Crescendo in 2019! Crude & Oil Outlook Concurs.   02/27/17 – 2019 & Saudi Arabia’s 11-Year Cycle  1920–1921 – Ibn Saud (founder of Saudi Arabia & powerful advocate of Wahhabism) conquered Rashidi dynasty – backed by Ottomans – and retook majority of current Saudi Arabia.  [The Rashidi Dynasty had overtaken Riyadh, the Saudi capital, […]

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Gold Stocks Declining

Gold Stocks Declining. Drop into March 1–3rd Likely. Gold & Silver Prepare to Peak. 02/25/17 Weekly Re-Lay:   “Gold & Silver remain strong & are rallying to new multi-month highs, validating near-term signals while nearing fulfillment of the ~4-month cycle that last timed the early-Nov. peaks.  A peak in early-March would perpetuate that cycle. Silver maintains the potential to spike up to 18.820–19.120/SIH (18.885–19.120/SIK)…Gold has tested its intermediate […]

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Gold Stocks Validate Cycle Peak

Gold Stocks Validate Cycle Peak. Drop into ~March 3rd Possible. Gold & Silver Yet to Peak. 02/22/17 Weekly Re-Lay Alert: “Gold Stocks Validating Cycle High… & Low?” “Gold Stocks continue to reveal critical clues regarding the outlook for precious metals.  The XAU (& HUI) peaked in perfect sync with intermediate cycle highs and a host of corroborating indicators – all of which projected […]

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Gold Stocks Confirming Sell-off

Gold Stocks Confirming Sell-off. Gold & Silver (Metal) Remain Strong… But Nearing Upside Targets. 02/18/17 Weekly Re-Lay: “Gold & Silver remain strong with Silver rallying to new highs & turning its weekly trend up in the process.  It also created another weekly LHR near the same target range, this one at 18.820/SIH. So, Silver now has three weekly LHRs, the weekly 21 Low MARC & the Nov. spike high […]

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Gold Stocks Project Imminent Peak

Gold Stocks Project Imminent Peak. XAU & HUI Poised for Sharp Drop; Multiple Indicators Reveal Weakness! 02/08/17 Weekly Re-Lay Alert: “Gold Stocks Reinforcing Cycle High” An intriguing development continues to evolve in Gold & Silver stocks, which is now at the point where it strengthens the case for an intermediate peak… The XAU remains positive & in a weekly uptrend, surging to new […]

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Crude/Energy Complex Bottoming

Crude/Energy Complex Bottoming. 1Q ’16 Low Intact; 3Q ’17 = Focus. 2017 – 2019 Could Mimic 1977 – 1980   01/31/17 – Natural Gas surged into late-Dec. – 6 months/~180 degrees from the late-June peak.  That confirmed the 12–13 week low-low-low-(low) Cycle Progression that helped pinpoint the Nov. 9th low.  A subsequent low is possible in early-Jan. (9th?). Natural Gas […]

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