Gold & Silver Accelerating…

Gold & Silver Accelerating… 1Q 2016 = Bullish Period. ~3-Month Advance = Ideal Scenario. 01/30/16 Weekly Re-Lay:  “Gold & Silver have begun to accelerate their advances, in line with previously-described daily cycles and this past weekend’s analysis in Silver – that is showing signs of turning a corner (to the upside).  This has allowed Gold to reach its January upside […]

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Ring of Fire Quakes Confirm Cycles

Ring of Fire Quakes Confirm Cycles 2016 = Increasing Instability April & Oct. 2016 = Primary Phases. 01/29/16 INSIIDE Track: “Instability Breeds Instability             After fulfilling what was described in the Dec. 2015 INSIIDE Track – when earthquakes were projected for the Middle East/Alpide Belt in late-Dec. – the global geophysical outlook was for Ring of Fire quakes in the […]

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2016–2018 = China Seismic Shifts

2016–2018 = China Seismic Shifts. 40-Year Cycle Reinforces Outlook. Feb. 2016 Stock Cycle Low Corroborates. 01/29/16 INSIIDE Track:    40-Year Cycle & China;  2016 = (Extremely?) Unsettled Period             01-29-16:  1976 (-1978) was a very unsettled time in China that involved seismic shifts – economic, social & even geophysical.  (The 1930’s were similar, with three Major 7.5-8.0 earthquakes followed by civil war and war with Japan.)  40 years later, the stage […]

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Early Impact From 2015 –  2021 Flood Cycles

Early Impact From 2015 –  2021 Flood Cycles; Locust Plagues Emerge from Wet Weather… Other Ramifications Likely in Late-2010’s. 01/29/16 INSIIDE Track:  Food Crisis 2016/2017 Update From a surprising angle – making it unsurprising in its nature – the 40-Year Cycle of Food Crises (most prominent in 2016/2017) appears to be receiving some corroboration from a 60-Year Cycle (the ‘cycle […]

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El Nino Triggers Locust Plagues

El Nino Triggers Locust Plagues;   Grains Poised for Surge into mid-2016…  Initial Phase of Food Crisis Cycles. 01/28/16 INSIIDE Track: Outlook 2016–2017 40-Year Cycle Collision Courses              “2016 has begun very similar to how it was anticipated.  If the outlook for 2016 (and beyond) was to be validated, two important things were projected for mid-Dec. ’15–late-Jan. ’16… and potentially extending into Feb. ’16: 1 – A sharp stock […]

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Gold & Silver Confirming Strength…

Gold & Silver Confirming Strength… 13+-Week Rally = Ideal Scenario. Mid-March = Decisive. 01/27/16 Weekly Re-Lay Alert:  ““Time for the 3rd Shoe?… & The Golden Slipper” There were two critical expectations (and a lot of corresponding ones, as well) for the opening months of 2016… both of which were continuation of what had been projected to begin in Dec. 2015… […]

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Silver Validating MAJOR Cycle Low!

Silver Validating MAJOR Cycle Low! Dec. 2015 – Powerful Cycle Convergence. 11–12+ Week Advance Expected. 01/23/16 Weekly Re-Lay:  “Gold & Silver are struggling to add to their initial rallies, even as Gold remains positive since fulfilling its primary downside target for the year of2015 (and its 2nd downside objective for the entire 2011–2015 decline) by testing 1033–1045.0/GC…  Gold needs to […]

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Gold Confirming Bottom

Gold Confirming Bottom. Quick Surge into Jan. 28/29th Likely. Rally Above 1125.0/GCG Expected. 01/16/16 Weekly Re-Lay:   “Gold & Silver are poised for a new rally, after perpetuating a ~2-week cycle… Gold & Silver continue to validate the potential for a new advance to begin 2016.  This comes after Gold twice tested its primary downside target for the year of 2015 […]

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Soybeans Confirming Bottom

Soybeans Confirming Bottom; Tracing Out Initial Waves… Surge Expected After Late-Feb. 01/16/16 Weekly Re-Lay:   “Soybeans, Corn & Wheat are slowly validating longer-term cycles & analysis portending a late-2015 bottom.  Soybeans turned their intra-month trend up and then their daily trend up before pulling back.  That sets the stage for a sharper advance in the coming weeks – a possibility that […]

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Stock Market in Trouble!

Stock Market in Trouble! Mid-Dec–late-Jan. Danger Period; More Trouble Expected in 2Q ‘16. 01/09/16 Weekly Re-Lay:   “Stock Indices have powerfully validated ongoing analysis – since late-2014 – for a sharp decline immediately after mid-Dec. 2015.  That is when the greatest synergy of cycles would be turning down at the same time.  3–6 month & 6–12 month traders should have sold […]

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