Stock Market Bottom: DJIA & NQ-100 Fulfill 6 – 12 Month Downside Targets!

06/22/22 Weekly Re-Lay Alert – “Stock Indices are attempting to bounce after plunging into mid-month while fulfilling their daily & intra-month downtrends as well as 2-Year Cycle parallels.  This decline has allowed the three primary indexes (DJIA, S+P 500 and NQ-100) to reach or near 6 – 12 month downside targets. The DJIA attacked its most important level of resistance turned into support – the level of […]

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Stock Market Trading: DJIA & NQ-100 Attack 6 – 12 Month Downside Targets/Support!

06/21/22 INSIIDE Track Update – “Stock Indices plunged into mid-month after peaking in line with daily cycle highs on June 3/6 – when a multi-week high was projected.  They are repeating the pattern of many previous months – setting initial highs in the first 3 – 4 trading days of the new month and then dropping to new lows… they are lining up to […]

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Bitcoin’s Bursting Bubble Targets Drop to 13,800/BT! ~18,000 = Near-Term Support

06/18/22 Weekly Re-Lay – “Bitcoin has reached its second 6 – 12 month downside target (triggered at the Nov ’21 peak) near 20,000/BT and could spike below 18,000/BT before rebounding.  It remains on track for an overall decline into Sept ’22 and could easily reach its primary 1 – 2 year downside target at ~13,800.” Bitcoin, in Nov ’21, fulfilled what its monthly […]

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Stock Market Trading: DJIA & NQ-100 Attack 6 – 12 Month Downside Targets/Support!

06/18/22 Weekly Re-Lay – “Stock indices continue to sell off after fulfilling projections for a rally into June 3.  They have extended this into mid-month and could see a spike low on June 20 – mimicking what has unfolded in a majority of months since May ’21.  An intermediate low remains likely on June 13 – 20 and is expected to trigger a rebound into late-June/early-July… […]

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Bitcoin Bubble Continues to Burst; On Track for Drop Below 14,000/BT!

06/15/22 Weekly Re-Lay Alert – Bitcoin Bubble Continues to Burst – “Throughout 2020/2021, our publications highlighted the culminating 7th phase of America’s 40-Year Cycle of Currency Wars (finales/shifts in 1781, 1821, 1861, 1901, 1941, 1981 & 2021) – projected to usher in a seismic economic and financial shift in the years and decades that follow.  That Phase VII included a new antagonist with a three-way battle […]

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Gold, Silver & XAU Consolidating; Failing to Confirm Multi-Month Lows (Yet).

06/15/22 Weekly Re-Lay Alert – “Throughout 2020/2021, our publications highlighted the culminating 7th phase of America’s 40-Year Cycle of Currency Wars (finales/shifts in 1781, 1821, 1861, 1901, 1941, 1981 & 2021) – projected to usher in a seismic economic and financial shift in the years and decades that follow. That Phase VII included a new antagonist with a three-way battle between fiat (paper), hard (metals) and digital […]

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Bitcoin Projects Downside into Sept ’22; June 13 = Dangerous Day

06/11/22 Weekly Re-Lay – “Bitcoin has consolidated after spiking below 27,500/BTC – where its monthly HLS and 6-month HHL converged – on May 12.  It would not show any signs of near-term strength until a daily close above 32,350/BTU.  On balance, Bitcoin is still expected to move lower into Sept ’22. In the short-term, it could spike to a new low on/around June 13 – 30 days/1 month from its May 12 low.” […]

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Stock Market: Early-June High Fulfilled; Mid-June (Multi-Month?) Low Likely

06/11/22 Weekly Re-Lay – “Stock indices have sold off after fulfilling projections for a rally into May 27 and then June 3.  That created the early-June peak that was forecast for equities and turned focus to late-June/ early-July ’22 for the next peak.  Weekly trends & 21 MACs signaled an initial top and stock indexes would ideally set subsequent lows on June 13/14… Stock […]

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