Stock Market 2-Year Cycle; 1 – 2 Week Low Could Trigger Bounce into early-Feb.

01/26/22 Weekly Re-Lay Alert: 2-Month, 4-Month, 8-Month & 2-Year Cycles Validated – “Stock Indices are powerfully fulfilling what the 2-month, 4-month, 8-month & 2-Year Cycles have been projecting since early-May, early-Sept & early-Nov ’21 – when successive highs were set and projected focus to early-Jan ’22 for a more significant peak and reversal lower.  The Nov/Dec ’21 sell-off corroborated that by triggering 4-Shadow Signals in most indexes. They have […]

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Gold Rally: Overall Advance into Feb 21 – 25 Projected; ~1920/GC = Initial Target

01/22/22 Weekly Re-Lay – “Gold & Silver broke out to the upside after consolidating long enough below the Jan 3 – 5 highs to validate the 7-week low-low-high-high Cycle Progression that timed that peak (and projects another in Feb).  Both metals rallied enough to close the week above their upwardly-reversing weekly 21 High MACs as Silver re-entered its weekly uptrend for the first time since mid-Nov ‘21. That is in sync […]

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Stock Market Sell-off; Jan 24 – 28 Low Could Trigger Brief Bounce into early-Feb.

01/22/22 Weekly Re-Lay – “Stock indices have dropped sharply since fulfilling the outlook for a divergent peak in early-Jan ’22 and the entry into a dangerous period for equities.  Many stocks and indexes had already signaled 3 – 6 month (or longer) peaks in Nov ’21, after fulfilling multi-year upside price targets and wave objectives (as well as decisive range-trading targets).  That […]

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Bitcoin Plummets as Gold Rallies; Plunge Below 30,000/BT Projected!

01/20/22 INSIIDE Track Update – “The Dollar Index bounced after testing and holding its weekly HLS last week.  It has approached weekly resistance but reversed its daily trend back up in the process – leaving it in no-man’s-land on an intermediate basis… Bitcoin is consolidating after bottoming at its 2 – 3 month downside objective (40 – 42,000/BT) – where a multi-week low had been forecast.  That […]

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Gold Trading: Gold/Metals Focus on Feb 21 – 25 Cycles… and ~1920/GC Target!

01/19/22 Weekly Re-Lay Alert – Range-Trading & Extremes: Stocks, Gold, Dollar, Euro, etc. – “Gold & Silver are breaking out to the upside after consolidating long enough below the Jan 3 – 5 highs to validate the 7-week low-low-high-high Cycle Progression that timed that peak (and projects another). Ever since Gold & Silver dropped right to monthly support levels on Jan 7 (the downside target for their intra-month downtrends) – […]

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Gold Trading: Gold/Metals on Track for Rally into Feb 21 – 25… and to ~1920/GC!

01/15/22 Weekly Re-Lay – “Gold & Silver have hesitated since pulling back from their early-Jan cycle high.  They are poised to enter a new rally and could surge to [reserved for subscribers]… Gold & Silver have consolidated after rallying into Jan 3 – 5 – the fulfillment of a 7-week low-low-high-high Cycle Progression – and then pulling back into Jan 7, when a low was signaled after both metals neutralized […]

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Bitcoin Fulfilling Projected Plunge from ~66,000/BT; Drop Below 30,000/BT Likely!

01/13/22 INSIIDE Track Update – “Bitcoin retested its 2 – 3 month downside objective (40,000 – 42,000/BT) – where a multi-week low has been forecast.  On a 6 – 12 month basis, that is a ‘4th wave of lesser degree’ (the low immediately preceding the final rally) – the primary support for this correction… While this recent sell-off fulfilled one level of correction, Bitcoin could […]

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Gold Trading: Jan 7/10 Buy Signal Projects Rally into Feb 21 – 25… and to ~1920/GC!

01/12/22 Weekly Re-Lay Alert – “Gold & Silver rallied into Jan 3 – 5, and then pulled back into Jan 7 – creating a ~3-week low-low Cycle Progression… Both metals neutralized their daily uptrends multiple times (during the pullback into Jan 7) – without turning them down – increasing the likelihood for a new rally to begin on Jan 10. In addition, Gold & Silver dropped right to monthly […]

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Bitcoin Confirming Major Peak; 2022 Plunge Below 30,000/BT Projected!

01/12/22 Weekly Re-Lay Alert – “The Dollar Index continues to correct since peaking in late-Nov. It turned its daily trend down.  On the heels of December’s Intra-month Inverted V Reversal lower (low at start of month, high at mid-month, lower low at month-end), the Dollar projected a likely drop to ~94.30/DXH (Jan ’22 monthly HLS) or lower. That is also a key level of range-trading support (and resistance turned […]

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