Bitcoin Confirming Major Peak; 40-Year Cycle ‘Seismic Shift’ Begins!

01/04/22 INSIIDE Track – “2016 – 2021 underwent another major economic shift and accompanying Currency War in line with the 40-Year Cycle of Currency Wars that has repeated since before the founding of the USA. As described throughout the 2010’s, that cycle was expected to usher in a heightened battle against US Dollar hegemony around the globe and likely result in a new reality that would […]

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Gold Trading: Gold/Metals Poised for 1Q ’22 Surge; Solar & War Cycles Concur!

01/04/22 INSIIDE Track – “2016 – 2021 underwent another major economic shift and accompanying Currency War in line with the 40-Year Cycle of Currency Wars that has repeated since before the founding of the USA. As described throughout the 2010’s, that cycle was expected to usher in a heightened battle against US Dollar hegemony around the globe and likely result in a new reality that would […]

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Grain Markets (& Gold) Impacted by Solar Cycles; 2022 = Time for Shift.

Outlook 2022/2023 – Cycle Culminations 01-04-22 – 2016 – 2021 underwent another major economic shift and accompanying Currency War in line with the 40-Year Cycle of Currency Wars that has repeated since before the founding of the USA. As described throughout the 2010’s, that cycle was expected to usher in a heightened battle against US Dollar hegemony around the globe and likely result in a […]

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Gold Trading: Rally into Early-Jan Nearing Fruition; New Surge into Feb 21 – 28 Likely.

01/01/22 Weekly Re-Lay – Gold & Silver are confirming new advances that could stretch into late-Feb… Gold & Silver continue to rally in an advance that was projected to stretch from mid-Dec. – when daily cycles bottomed as support held – into Jan 3 – 10, ’22 – the latest phase of a ~7-week low-low-high-(high) Cycle Progression.  They triggered outside-week/2 Close Reversal buy signals on Dec 17 – reinforcing the […]

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Gold Trading: Rally into Late-Dec/early-Jan Evolving; 2nd Surge Likely in Jan/Feb ‘22.

12/29/21 Weekly Re-Lay Alert – Recent Alerts have described an expected Dollar correction, projected by its recent spike highs and the cycles & technical indicators surrounding that spike.  Already, the ~month-long topping process in the Dollar has opened the door for numerous commodities – ranging from Soybeans, Corn & Cotton to Gold, Silver & Copper – to regain their footing and begin to rally. Gold & Silver continue […]

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Gold Trading: Initial Rally into Late-Dec/Early-Jan on Track; 2nd Surge to Follow?

12/27/21 Weekly Re-Lay – Gold & Silver continue to rally in a strong move that was projected to stretch from mid-Dec. – when daily cycles bottomed as support held – into Jan 3 – 7, ’22 – the latest phase of a ~7-week low-low-high-(high) Cycle Progression that helped pinpoint the Nov 15 – 19 peak… A peak in early-Jan. would project a more significant top for Feb. 21 – 25, ’22 – […]

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Stock Market Cycle Highs & 4-Shadow; Early-Jan. Ushers in Danger Period.

12/22/21 Weekly Re-Lay Alert – “As explained last week, the Dollar is set for a sizeable correction after peaking in line with ‘bullish’ Fed news.  However, with all bullish news on the table, what is there left to drive the Dollar higher?  That is when profit-taking usually sets in. In contrast, currencies, precious metals and stocks – on an intermediate basis – […]

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Gold Trading: Mid-Dec Buy Signal Portends Initial Rally into Late-Dec/Early-Jan.

12/22/21 Weekly Re-Lay Alert – “Buy the Rumor (in Gold, Silver, Euro, etc.), Sell the Fed” Gold & Silver both rallied sharply after ‘bearish’ Fed news was digested (and regurgitated) at the same time price and time indicators projected an intermediate bottom.  Both declines matched the magnitude and duration of their respective Sept ’21 sell-offs – powerfully confirming the ~7-week low-low-(high) Cycle Progression that helped pinpoint the Nov 15 […]

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Stock Market Peak & 4-Shadow; Early-Jan. Should Trigger Sharper Sell-off.

12/20/21 INSIIDE Track Update – “Stock indexes are in the midst of consolidation with most of them remaining below their Nov ’21 highs and at or above their early-Dec lows (though several retested those lows today, fulfilling daily trend patterns and projections).  Weekly trend patterns remain mildly constructive in most indexes – leaving open the potential for a subsequent rally into Jan ‘22. […]

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Bitcoin Attacks ~40,000 Target; 2022 Plunge Below 30,000/BT Expected!

12/20/21 INSIIDE Track Update – “The Dollar Index has consolidated since surging to new highs in late-Nov. It pulled back and neutralized its daily uptrend multiple times but could not turn the daily trend down – spurring a retest of the recent high.  That could be creating a double-top that fulfills an 8-week low-low-high Cycle Progression, which sub-divided into a 4-week low-high-(high) Cycle Progression. Both of […]

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